Chapter - 3

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Bright light pierced through the window, casting a golden glow over the sleeping couple. Pragya's eyelids fluttered as she slowly woke, realizing her husband was no longer by her side.

She glanced at the clock, which read 9:20. Lately, she had been sleeping more than usual.

She rose from the bed, folded the bedsheet neatly, and headed to the washroom to start her morning routine.

It had been three months since Dadi's death and the Mehras were still struggling to cope with the loss.

Pragya, now four months pregnant and Disha, five months along, were being carefully looked after to avoid any stress.

"I hope she agrees. You can do this, Abhi," he murmured to himself mustering the courage to ask her out for a date, hoping it would lift her spirits. He had been concerned about her, as she rarely left their room, except for doctor's visits and even had her meals there.

He knocked gently on the closet door.

Inside, Pragya sighed. Abhi had been overly cautious around her, as if afraid of saying something that might upset her.

She put on a loose-fitting gown and called, "Come in."

He slid the door open and his eyes landed on her. No matter how many times he saw her, his heart still raced.

She raised an eyebrow in question.

He took a deep breath. "Go on a date with me."

She stared at him blankly. "I don't want to go anywhere," she said, moving to leave the closet.

As she walked past him, he gently held her hand, stopping her. "Please," he pleaded, turning to face her.

"I just don't feel like going anywhere."

"I know it's because of me, but please think about your health. Don't punish yourself because of what I've done. Punish me if you want, but you and our child are not at fault. Staying in the room all the time isn’t good for you. The doctor warned about it."

"Oh," she said, removing his hand from her wrist. He closed his eyes in defeat.

"You should have mentioned the doctor's warning first. Let's go out today," she nodded and walked past him.

Realization hit him. "Damn," he muttered. She had agreed to go out only because of the doctor's warning.

"Pragya," he called, stepping out of the closet and looking around the room, but she was gone.

He went downstairs and found her sitting with Neha, chatting animatedly.

"Chachi, how long until the baby arrives? We're the youngest ones here, but soon there will be someone younger than us," Neha said, placing a hand on Pragya's protruding stomach and caressing it. Pragya smiled warmly at the interaction.

Abhi felt a pang of jealousy seeing her smile so freely at Neha. It wasn't that she didn't let him touch her belly or talk to the baby, but he always had to think twice before doing so, afraid she wouldn't like it.

"Pragya," he called.

She looked up at him. "I have a meeting scheduled. I'll be back by 5 o'clock. Be ready by then," he informed her.

"Ji," she replied, turning her attention back to Neha.

The family exchanged worried glances. Their interactions no longer felt the same.

Blinking back tears, Abhi left with Aaliya and Purab.

"Well, there's no need for makeup as your face is already glowing, but let's just apply a little bit," Payal smiled at Pragya and proceeded to apply some light makeup.

Pragya looked at herself in the mirror and sighed internally. There was no need for her to get this dressed up, wearing a new gown and makeup, as they were just going somewhere out.

"And done," Payal grinned.

Pragya gave her a small smile.

She stood up from the chair and examined herself in the mirror. Dressed in a dark red gown with a simple diamond necklace adorning her neck, she also wore vermillion and a nuptial chain. She had gained a little weight during these three months, and her hand rested securely over her stomach. This time, she smiled genuinely.

Abhi, who had just arrived, smiled upon seeing her smiling.

Pragya's smile faded as soon as she noticed him. Abhi controlled his emotions; he knew it wasn't easy for her to forgive him, and he still needed to work hard to earn her forgiveness.

They moved out of the Mehra mansion, and he opened the car door for her and closed it gently.

After sitting in the driver's seat, he carefully helped her with the seatbelt. Their close proximity made Abhi gulp nervously while Pragya broke eye contact.

As Abhi started driving, Pragya asked, "Where are we going?"

He smiled. "It's a surprise."

Pragya leaned back in her seat, looking out of the window. The city passed by in a blur of lights and colors. She tried to guess where he might be taking her but couldn't come up with anything.

"How are you feeling?" Abhi asked after a while, breaking the silence.

"I'm fine," Pragya replied shortly.

"I've been thinking a lot," he began glancing at her. "About us, about everything that happened."

Pragya remained silent, not sure if she was ready for this conversation.

"I know I messed up," he continued, "but I want to make things right. I want to be there for you and our child."

She turned to look at him, her expression softening slightly. "It's not that simple, Abhi. It will take time."

"I understand," he nodded, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. "I'm willing to wait as long as it takes."

They drove in silence for a few more minutes until they reached a beautifully decorated garden. Fairy lights adorned the trees, and a table was set up in the middle with a candlelit dinner.

"What's all this?" Pragya asked, surprised.

"I wanted to do something special for you," Abhi said, getting out of the car and opening her door. "To remind you how much you mean to me."

I've been considering starting a one-shot book, but I'm unsure if there are still readers interested in this ff.

Your feedback on this chapter will help me decide. If the response is positive, I'll publish a book of short stories.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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