Rulindil (NSFW)

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TW: Non-con, rape fantasy, murder, choking, abuse, mentions of rape.

Here is a quick recap if this sort of content is not for you and you want to skip this chapter altogether:
In this chapter Rulindil fantasizes about what he would do to Kit if he held her captive. He then goes on to capture her but Ondo interrupts him and slits his throat. Kit and Ondo then light his hideout (a manor near the Thalmor Embassy) on fire with him inside.
After putting some distance between them and the Embassy, Kit and Ondo have a conversation where Kit reveals that Elenwen had a file on him which states that his father is responsible for the death of his wife and son. Ondo loses it and takes it out on Kit, nearly choking her to death. She knees him somewhere sensitive, gets away, breaks up with him and leaves.

Since that fateful night when he'd seen her leave Ondolemar's quarters in Markarth, Rulindil's interest in the commander's little pet had gone from mere curiosity to full blown obsession. She was forever on his mind, when he worked, when he slept, she fueled his dreams and fed his fantasies. And now she was here, in Solitude. It was high time, he thought, that they became more intimately acquainted.

He had only approached her once. That night in Markarth when she had looked so deliciously distressed that, had he been in his city, he would have taken her right then. As it was, he had settled for introducing himself instead. But when he had approached her she had simply narrowed her beautiful eyes at him and quickened her step, escaping before he could speak. 

Ondolemar, had come barreling out of the common room a few minutes later, regret etched deeply into his too perfect features. He had looked completely unhinged, half dressed, barefoot, Rulindil had never seen the Mer so unkempt and it had pleased him to no end... as had the startled look on Ondolemar's face at finding him nonchalantly leaning against a pillar, smirking as he inspected the commander from head to toe. Rulindil had been filled with near glee—Ondolemar, stoic Ondolemar, master at hiding his emotions, unraveling right in front of him.

"Trouble in paradise?"

"Where did she go?"

Rulindil had just shrugged and turned away, smiling as he made his way back to his temporary quarters. He had always taken great pleasure in the misery of others and this was no exception.

And now, she was so very nearly in his grasp.

He looked down at himself, he was hard just thinking about her. Removing his gloves and pulling out his handkerchief, he set the items down neatly on the desk next to him. Taking a moment to throw back his hood, he made himself comfortable in his chair before slowly unclasping his belt, lifting the front of his dark tunic and pushing his britches down. Taking himself in hand a soft moan escaping parted lips at the first contact of skin against skin, Rulindil set a slow and steady pace, pumping almost lazily, stretching his head back with an audible sigh.

He was a strong believer in taking the time to do things right.

Closing his eyes, his breathing loud in his ears, he indulged in one of his favorite fantasies—her, writhing, chained to his table, her pale flesh on show just for him.

A beautiful toy, his to do with as he pleased.

The thick leather collar he had fashioned specifically for this purpose wrung tightly around her delicate neck, the metal rings used to tie her down glinting softly in the candlelight.

The very image of perfection.

There were similar restraints for her wrists and ankles, and that's how he liked to picture her, wearing nothing but leather and silver. He could easily imagine how the paleness of her skin would contrast with his warm golden tone, even in places where his own skin was never exposed to the light. Such a delicious contrast.

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