chapter sixteen

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

Esther Mikaelson nearly broke out with happiness when she saw the infamous group appear one by one in Limbo. She had been plotting this day ever since her hybrid son killed her, forcing her to abandon her mission to end the vampire species. She couldn't send herself back, no, that magic was too complicated; it could kill her, but all she knew she needed was someone willing to risk it all. 

Answering her prayers, Elena Gilbert, Stefan Salvatore, and Caroline Fobes were dumped into the abyss. And she knew of something, more like someone, they would risk their lives to see again. 

Smiling, she welcomed the trio into her home, pointing at the couch she had conjured up in boredom. They hesitated, however, but the Mikaelson witch could care less. As she took her seat, the three vampires followed her league. She tried to stop herself from grimacing at what she made, but she couldn't help it. 

Those wretched creatures were a mistake, and if she had been aware of what she was doing when she made them, she wouldn't have. Nevertheless, fate is giving her another try. Another opportunity to rid the world of her mistake.

"Would you all like some tea?" 

Elena only shook her head as she slid her hands over her face and through her hair for the fourth time. Her cheeks felt rough, the tear-stained skin hardening over her droopy mascara. Caroline looked even worse. Not only did she not give her mother a chance to say goodbye, but she also didn't have time to say goodbye to Tyler. 

Stefan, on the other hand, was the only person who was not feeling sad over their death. If anything, his death granted him peace and a chance to see his brother gain. 

"I understand your frustrations, children," Esther began, taking a long, dramatic sip of her herbal tea. "It's not as clear as one may suspect but I was able to see your deaths. My children tore you apart like nothing. Which is why I need your help." 

"No!" Caroline argued. "We're here because we messed with the Mikaelsons! With your psychotic children." 

"I won't waste your time just as I imagine you will not benefit from wasting mine," Esther began. "I offered you a deal once and my children outsmarted you; however, this time I can ensure that they won't. I'm sure you'd like this deal. After all, none of you look particularly excited to be dead." 

Shaking his head, Stefan Salvatore stood, pushing himself off of the sofa. "I'm not too sad about being dead. My-" 

"Brother? Oh, he has returned to the land of the living. By my doing, of course." 

Stefan paused. "You're lying." 

"Oh, but I'm not. And the only way you'll ever see him again is if I send you back. I can make you stronger, faster than ever. And you'll only have to stab Miss Bonnie Bennett with a simple syringe. " 

Caroline shook her head furiously. "I'm not hurting Bonnie. Absolutely not." 

"It won't hurt her, girl," Esther bit, forcing her tongue to hold itself. Who knew three people would argue so much about being able to live again? "If anything, it'll protect her for the next part of my plan." 

"And that is?" Elena asked. 

"None of your business," Esther answered. "Your job is simple. Simply stab her with the syringe within three weeks and you'll live happily ever after knowing you had a hand in the downfall of my children. After that, simply leave the rest to me." 

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