kid are home baby

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I was woken up at 6 am by my alarms . Me and Dom don't have to be at work until 9 today but the kids are coming home so I got Mirabelle to stay with them today. They love her so I'll keep her. Doms also moving in and the teams coming by after work. The wedding is in 3 weeks and there's one visitation weekend in between.

I got up and dressed in my gear as Dom opened his eyes

"What's up baby" he asked

"Babies are comin home I can get um u sleep babe"

"Nah I'll come " I smiled as he dressed quick .

We got to the church as the buss pulled in and Uncle Hank texted

Uncle Hank: u cool if I come down Friday and leave Monday?

Me: of course

Uncle Hank: I'm researching hotels I don't wanna interrupt the wedding night

Me : u don't have to but ok picking up kids I'll text u tonite after Dom moves in

Uncle Hank : ok kid ttyl

"That Hank" Dom asked

I just nodded and he kissed my head as we got out

I saw my baby girl and she ran to me

"MAMA! " I hugged her as I saw shed gotten taller

"It was fun " she said as the boys but pulled in

"Bet it was guess what" I said


"Mommies getting married" she smiled big as she asked

"To who"

I looked at Dom and she ran and hugged him

"Yay!" Was all she said as Ethan ran up and hugged me then Bryce.

"Guys mommy and uncle Dom are getting married! " Ana yelled as I hugged her

"U are?" Bryce asked

I nodded and he fist bumped Dom and I hugged Ethan

We loaded up and went for food where we were gunna meet Mirabelle.

Everyone ordered as Bryce asked me"howed it go with dad"

"I'll tell u when the little kids are not around ok" he just nodded
My eldest is very mature for his age. He turned 11 over the summer and wanted to celebrate with his friend instead of old mom so I just sent him money

Mirabelle came and Dom paid as she took them home

"How u think he's gunna take having to see his dad" Dom asked

"He'll be ok as long as Pierre treats him like a kid not a dog. " I said as Dom looked to me

"He would give him commands like a dog but say it was how he was raised . I had to constantly remind him he's a kid not a dog" Dom looked pissed

"Hey" I said

"I don't like it but he will fuck up I know he will always does and when he does he can kiss visitation goodbye. " Dom just nodded as I slid over and cuddled him on the way to work.

Pierres gets out tomarro and has to send me info on who will supervise and where. Pierre officially moved his stuff ,or rather his mother did , to holly wood so the kids will still be close but he's not near me.

After work I went home and Luka went with street to pick up his stuff so I could talk to Bryce alone.

"So howed it go with dad" Bryce asked again and Mirabelle went home and I relented and answered

"He got two months in jail and he gets out tomarro . This weekend u and ana are gunna go with him to his new house as long as he provides me with whoever is gunna supervise him." I said as he nodded

"What about Ethan" he asked

"U remember how dad always talked about putting Ethan in that hospital because of his brain?" He nodded as I continued"well the judge didn't like it so he has no parental rights to Ethan anymore. Just u and ana" he just nodded

"What if I don't wanna go" he asked

"It's a court order from a judges bubba I have to but if he does anything wrong or hurts u or ur sister tell me and I can go back to the judge. We go back in 6 months anyway." He just nodded as I asked

"U ok?"

He nodded and smiled as we heard the truck pull up

Bryce went outside to help as every one moved Dom's stuff to my room. Once it was done the guys all headed out back to enjoy a beer and I got the kids to bed.

After they were all asleep I went outside and Dom pulled me onto his lap

"So Lukas officially gone domestic" Hondo said as I blushed and he hugged me tighter

The guys went home and Luca thanked them then he lifted me up bridal style and we went to my....our room.

I made the bed as he hooked up the TV. It felt so good to be here.

We watched the Adams family as I started to drift off and I felt a dip behind me as I layed on doms chest

I grabbed Ethan and cuddled him as he has to get back use to being home.
(3rd person)
Dom never complained just layed on his side as the movie ended and watched his soon to be wife and step son snuggle as she held his hand and smiled in her sleep. Sarah was finally at piece

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