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E P I S O D E  4 2 [√]p a g e  f o r t y - t w o  :  T U R K E Y !

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E P I S O D E  4 2 [√]
p a g e  f o r t y - t w o  :  T U R K E Y !

i shouldn't have hugged him! takemichi's fingers shook while piecing together two card boards together in creating a cone.

i was just too emotional.. i even held his hands. as discreet as possible, the blond teen peeks through his lashes. he feels like he's baring his thoughts while he stares at mitsuya, who was busy cutting up card boards  and making ting shapes out of it. ... that really surprised me.

mitsuya, of all the things takemichi thought he'd do today, apologized to him right before classes started. it sort of embarrassed him cause it felt like mitsuya was confessing ; takemichi tried his best to not dwell on it. he promised to never have that again. but still — mitsuya was the first to apologize when he expected no one from their group would.

he believes that peh-yan, pah-chin, and even the kawata twins aren't counted because they never did anything but be good to him right from the start. well, pah-chin didn't do literally anything to him, but he thinks that that's good rather than bad because the guy had no idea.

so this was surprising.


"y- yes?!" takemichi nearly fumbled the glue out of his hands but thankfully, he caught grip of it. he settles back properly in his seat while looking back up to the other, not knowing when he had looked away but he pushed back the thought.

mitsuya looked back down quickly to the little shapes of trees he was cutting as soon as takemichi looked at him, "ah ... how do i say this .."

"hm?" the blond was puzzled by the murmurs he had said under his breath, "what is it, mitsuya?"

he witness the way mitsuya's eyes flickers up to him then back to his desk anxiously. just then, with a determined look, mitsuya looked up, "... you're really going to forgive me that easily? sorry. i can't get it out of my head."

takemichi's breath hitches at the words. so that's why mitsuya couldn't seem to talk to him ; he had been asking questions prior to this about how they should start or what they should do first, but mitsuya was seemingly stuck in his headspace that he'd flinch or jolt at his every question, "is that what's been bugging you?" the blond asks, warmly smiling at mitsuya.

"how could it not?" mitsuya's voice lightly shakes when he tried to laugh a little, "if i had been in your place, forgiving wouldn't come easy to me after all the things my friends did to me."

"you're not in my place though." even the blond himself was shock at the words that tumbled off his mouth, so he hastily relents, "i mean! i'm me and you're you! ... what am i even saying ..." takemichi bashfully looks down, cheeks going warm. then, takemichi clears his throat, "what i'm saying is that, people just respond to certain things differently. i'm pretty sure you know that."

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