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Belina and I met with the group at the exit and Dominik would not look at me at all. I don't blame him, what I did was messed up but he knew I wouldn't want to get married and would freak out. I follow the group and watch as Belina and Luis flirt a little bit, Demi and Dominik talk, and then I see Fergal come stand next to me.

"So do you live around here?" He asks trying to create small talk.

"Uh yea I've lived here for about 3 years now but before that I lived in California and before that I lived in England." 

"I could tell you weren't from around here just by that accent." He said walking a bit faster to keep up with the group. We hop into a car and I somehow end up next to Dominik, great just my luck! We drive and then the second we get to the club i jump out and practically sprint to get a drink.

"Someone's excited," I hear Demi say and I laugh but down my drink and ask for another one. "Shit who broke your heart?" I shake my head and roll my eyes.

"I broke my own." I shrugged then went and sat down next to Belina who was getting her flirt on with Luis. I wait for him to get up and then face Belly. "Spill everything right now!" I yell over the music. She laughs and shakes her head before shooing me off. 

After about an hour of me drinking heavily and flirting with random guys I see Dominik staring at me as I talk to some guy who wanted to buy me a drink. I excuse myself, walk to some quiet place, and then slide down the wall hitting my head against the back.

"Still not good with alcohol huh?" I hear his voice ask. I shoot my head to look at him and see he's sitting down next to me. I had no clue he was even here.

"Yea um just need to forget some stuff you know?" I try to play it off. "I saw your engaged, congrats. I hope she makes you happy." I say slowly.

"Why'd you do it?" He asks which causes the tears iv been holding back to start falling. "Why did you leave without even telling me? I came home hoping to celebrate my debut with you and you were gone, couldn't even say goodbye, you just left a note!" I could tell he had a few tears too.

"I found the ring and I panicked," i said quickly trying not to have my voice break.

"So you just ran? We could've talked it-" 

"No, I made it clear what I wanted and you made it clear what you wanted, I couldn't make you happy so I left." He stands up and faces me.


"NO I COULDNT LOOK AT YOU AS I WATCHED YOUR HEART BREAK WHEN I SAID NO! OR WHEN I BROKE UP WITH YOU!" I screamed tears now flooding down my face, "You won't ever understand but me leaving was the best decision ever, I went years without thinking of you and I was fine! You were fine, me coming here tonight wrecked everything for us, i could've gone forever without looking at your face but here I am facing it." 

"Her name is Marie," he breaks the silence.


"My fiancé her name is Marie, you don't know her I met her months after you left."

"Why are you telling me this? To rub it in that you're happy and I'm not?" I ask but he shakes his head.

"She helped me recover from what you did." He says looking directly at me. "She helped pack up all your stuff from my apartment and put it in storage, she helped me buy a new car so I wasn't reminded of you, and she helped me move on from you."

"I'm glad your hap-"

"But she was never you, and every time I kiss her I wish I was kissing you. You know how much i want to push you against that wall and kiss you?" He starts crying again.

"I do know, because I want you to do it so bad but you are happy now, you have someone who wants what you want so go be happy and forget about me please." I walk away and try and find Belina only to see her making out with Luis. So I just call Paul and ask him to come get me. He pulls up and I instantly hop in and start sobbing.

"Oh dear what's the matter? I haven't seen you cry this hard since the whole Dominik situation-"

"BECAUSE ITS DOMINIK!" I yell accidentally making me cry even harder.

"Wait, the mullet boy is Dominik?" I nod. "Oh sweetie don't cry it's not worth the puffy eyes in the morning. But if you insist we will go get ice cream and binge watch a show to make you feel better ok?" I smile at him and once we get back I run to the movie theater room and plop on my fav couch.

Paul comes and sits with my legs in his lap and puts on Grey's Anatomy because those doctors are hot. After watching a couple episodes I end up falling asleep on the couch and feel Paul putting a blanket on me before walking out.

At like 4 am I wake up and realize where I am, I stand up and slowly walk to the kitchen to get a water when I bump into someone. I look up to see Luis shirtless and with just boxers on. My jaw drops when I see Belina walk out in a robe. 

"EW AT MY PLACE?" I roll my eyes looking at Belina.

"Ok hear me out, my place is 30 minutes away and I couldn't wait that long." I sigh and continue getting my water and walking upstairs to my room. I plop on the bed and instantly fall back asleep and the Dominik dreams come flooding back in. I told Paul it would be a bad idea to go.

A/N: Hey pooks I hope yall all Doing good i wrote this on my phone and lemme tell you that shit was rough cus my nails beefing with me rn but anyways love you all so eat, drink, sleep, stay safe, and most importantly don't die!!mwah<3

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