Sad Girl

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I woke up and heard Paul and Belina bickering in the hall. She better not have had Luis over again. I put my ear on the door and listened, Paul was saying something about how it was Belina's job to protect me as if i'm some kid. I opened the door and they both turned and stared at me.

"Ok first of all, i'm not 5 i'm a big girl i can be off on my own. Secondly, why are we fighting at 8 am?" Paul put his hand on his head and shook it while Belina just stood there. "Can someone say something?"

"Go check your instagram and then come back out here!" Paul said and then him and Belina started fighting again. I walked into my room and grabbed my phone off the nightstand and logged into insta. I saw that someone had taken photos of Dom and I at taco bell a couple days ago and the post went viral. 

"Oh shit," I whispered and then checked my notifications, I saw some girl named Marie had followed and dmed me which isn't all that weird but the name sounded familiar. I checked her thing and it said, 'Hi this is Marie, Dominik's fiancée, I would appreciate if u found a way to help us take those post down asap. I don't need my family asking if me and him split.' I rolled my eyes and just didn't respond. Who does this bitch think she is.

I show Belina the message and she rolls her eyes, "what's up with you and Dominik anyways? You guys are always making eyes at eachother and the sexual tension is crazy!" I roll my eyes and shake my head.

"Trust me you don't wanna know. But how we gonna fix this?" I turn my attention to Liz as she hands me my water which i thank her for before turning back to Paul and Belina. Paul's phone started ringing so he excused himself and left Belina and I on our own.

"I have a date with Luis today so you're on your own." She stated starting to walk away.

"That's not what I pay you for ma'am," I grab her arm and pull her into my room. "You are supposed to help me when i need it, plus i need appointments scheduled!"

"Fine but go get ready at least so I can still go to his house tonight!" She shoved me to the bathroom.

"Goodness you guys are worse than those horny teenagers in euphoria!" She rolls her eyes at me and I close the door. I took the longest shower ever because of how stressed I was. After the shower I hope out and put my robe on. I go to my walk in closet and choose a simple but cute outfit.

And my air forces just to switch it up a bit

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And my air forces just to switch it up a bit. I look in the mirror and decide I look hot. I go down to the kitchen and see Belina and Paul bickering again.

"Can you guys stop fighting it's not even a big deal!" I shout at them making their attention turn to me.

"Not a big deal? Marcella Madeline Flynn this is a huge deal! You are being accused of being a home wrecker because of Dominiks engagement." Paul shouts back at me.

"Ok it's not my fault, I just wanted to eat. We kept our distance and made it a professional dinner. Plus we went to Taco Bell, my standards are way higher than that for a date, you know that." I reply walking to the island bar and sitting down.

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