White Dress

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I'm awoken once again by Liz shaking me lightly to get me up. I try to be more cooperative today but it's just so hard when I'm tired. She hands me my daily morning water and I chug it before going to the bathroom. It had been a week since I saw Dom and everyday he runs through my mind as if there not 7 billion other people to think about.

"Ella hurry up please we have to leave in an hour!" I hear Paul say through the door. I get in the shower and just throw on some leggings and a crew neck. Once I'm all ready we head to the airport and get on the private jet to head to an interview, then tomorrow I fly out to another place for a wwe event for Kevin's birthday.

I bought him the tickets months ago so we can all go and have fun but now I don't want to go due to Dom but anything for the people who keep me alive. I fall asleep for the whole fight and then wake up once we land. As we hop off I thank all the crew and head to the rental car. We quickly go to the hotel and then head to the location where we film the interview which was always fun. Especially the afterward meet and greets. Meeting all my fans is always my favorite part of preforming and puts me in a better mood. Once we get back to the hotel I fall fast asleep on my bed.

~Doms pov~

Seeing Mar for the first time in 3 years broke me all over again but I couldn't tell Marie that. Mar didn't want to talk it over when she wasn't drunk so I just let it go and tried not to think too hard on it. I saw on insta that she had an interview today and decided to watch it.

"Todays guest is the singer who has taken the world by surprise please help me welcome, Marcella Flynn!" The man said pointing to the direction which she walked out and she was in a beautiful white dress, with her hair curled and a pair of gogo type white boots. She looked stunning but when did she not. "Marcella you look lovely as always," the man said which i nodded to.

"Aww thank you so much it's a pleasure to be here." She says with her cute accent. The man and her start talking and she is laughing a lot. It's like nothing happened with us last week. I should probably think the same thing but it's Mar. The man asked her about relationships and she looked down.

"Oh lord I haven't been in a serious relationship for around 3 years now. My last relationship fell through the roof but it opened the door for me to follow my dream." She smiled lightly.

"Hey Dom I'm home!" Marie said giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Whatcha watching?" She asked looking at the tv.

"Just an interview," I said lightly making her look at me confused.

"You never watch interviews unless it has to do with WWE and she does not look like a wrestler." She laughed looking at Marcella.

"It's cause it's Marcella." I say lightly which causes her to furrow her brows.

"Marcella as in your ex? Why would you be watching an interview of her? You hate her!" I could hear the tad bit of jealousy in her voice but I just calmly responded.

"She performed last week before the show started, then her and her assistant went clubbing with us." I looked at Marie before turning back to Marcella.

"And you didn't think to tell me that you went clubbing with your ex? The one you wanted to propose to?" She stood up facing me.

"The only time we talked was when me and her started fighting don't worry I'm with you remember?" I continued to stare at the tv and watched as each time she talked about something very important to her, her eyes would start to gloss.

"Doesn't seem like I'm yours right about now. You can't take your eyes off of her!" She stormed away but I stayed sitting and continued to watch the interview. After it was over I went and grabbed my suitcase and left without saying bye to Marie because she locked herself in her room like a toddler.

~Marcella pov again~

I wake up on my own this time and see that I have a flight to catch so I can go watch a show. Yay go me!! I get dressed in low rise flares again, a baby tee that said 'I <3 my attitude', and my black converse. I straightened my hair and then did my makeup before grabbing my suitcase and walking out the room.

After the flight landed and I had dropped my luggage off we had about 45 minutes before the show started but once Adam heard we were showing up he insisted we come in through the back to avoid the crowd. We get guided to out seats which happen to be in the same spot as last time. I watch how happy Kevin and Alex are which warms my heart. They are like 2 little kids on Christmas. 

"Mar, Luis asked me to go backstage after his match and to bring you." I nodded my head and continued to watch the matches. When Luis's theme song came on Belina jumped up almost knocking my Dr Pepper out of my hand and started cheering. I stand up to be supportive and see he is only walking out with Dominik. I sit back down and wait for the match to be over before Belina gets up and drags me away.

We walk around the back before she spots Luis running and hugging him. Someone gets attached quick, eh she deserves it. I walk up to them and congratulate Luis before smiling at Dom. 

I felt his eyes on me and then after standing there for a good couple seconds Belina and Luis decide to just leave and probably go fuck like horny little teenagers.

"You wanna go get dinner I'm kinda hungry?" I break the silence and look at Dominik, "We don't have to go anywhere fancy we can just go to like Taco Bell or something I don't know." He laughs at me and I roll my eyes.

"Yea sure why not?" He says and has me follow him to the locker room. "This is my locker room where I change and sit when I have nothing better to do." I laugh at him and sit on the couch. He sits next to me and we watch a couple more matches before he stands up. "Do you mind if I take my shirt off in here i just wanna put on a hoodie." I nod my head and he takes his shirt off.

I wanna pounce on him so bad. I wanna fuck him right here, right now. I get taken out of my thoughts by his laugh.

"You know staring is rude." He said mocking what I would say to him when we were dating. I shake my head and look down at my hands. Once he changes we get up and walk to his car. We go to Taco Bell and order our food before sitting down.

"Remember the last time we came to a Taco Bell?" I looked around.

"Yea, you choked on a crunchy taco and refused to ever come back here." I shake my head as he laughs.

"And you sat there and laughed at me once I stopped dying!" I laugh along with him and for the first time in a while I feel like how I did years ago.  After we eat he drops me off back at the hotel and I see he texted me again.


D: tonight was fun im glad we got to talk again

M: yea it was fun now leave me alone I want to sleep

D: get good sleep before you get all grumpy

M: oh shut up

D: goodnight mar

M: night dom 

And with that I fell fast asleep dreaming about Dominik.

A/N: I wrote this while watching 1000 lbs sisters cus it's my fav show bro. Anyways love y'all so eat, drink, sleep, stay safe, and most importantly don't die. Mwah<3

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