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Tara's POV:

It was like any other day I would wake up get
dressed maybe have breakfast and wait for Amber to pick me up she was always on time when I got in her car she handed me coffee "Damn can I at least put on my seat belt" I smiled she only laughed as a response "How did you sleep last night?" Amber was very thoughtful always trying to find out how I felt which was very easy for her "Good for the first time" I've been having dreams about my sister coming back home and for some reason they were more like nightmares to me "Are you alright" Amber looked a little concerned "Yeah I'm fine I promise" when we got to school we seen our friends sitting at a table Chad was sitting on the table I ran up to them leaving Amber to follow behind me I sat down and Amber sat behind me one the table and held my hand "Do y'all want to have a sleepover at my house" Mindy said while stretching Chad looked at Olivia to see if she felt like staying "Hell yeah" Amber yelled making me jump a little she rubbed her thumb over my hand it was her way of saying sorry "Gay" Mindy coughed making Chad laugh "Tara isn't gay" Wes said as he grabbed his backpack "Denial Wes you know Tara is deeply in love with Amber" Mindy laughed while eating a apple I slowly took my hand back from Amber making Wes smile and Amber walked away "What just happened" Chad said almost choking on his water "I don't know" I mumbled I didn't think Amber would be upset because of that

Ambers POV

I walked past a group of girls and one of the girls walked behind me "Hey your Amber right" she said grabbing my arm "Yeah why" she looked a little nervous so I could tell she was going to ask something that made her feel like that "Can I have your number" I thought she was going to ask something totally different and this might be a good way to get my mind off Tara "Yeah" I smiled as I grabbed her phone and gave her my number I seen Mindy and everyone else walking towards us "Thank you I'll text you later and my name is Meya" she smiled and walked away and Tara walked up to me "Who was that" she asked looking at the girl walk away I really like Tara her perfect smile her features everything about her but like Wes always says she isn't gay I then felt Tara tap my arm "Oh she wanted my number" her face quickly dropped to a frown "Did you give it to her" she mumbled as our friend group stood behind her like they weren't listening "Yeah" she instantly dragged me away and into the bathroom

Tara's POV

When we got to the bathroom Amber looked confused "Why did you give her your number" I said leaning on the sink "I can't give people my number now" she slightly raised her voice making my heart pound "I never said that I'm just asking Amber" I said walking towards her trying to show her I'm angry but something in her just snapped "I don't need you to tell me what to do anymore Tara I actually don't need you at all" she yelled bringing tears to my eyes her expression didn't change I pushed past her "Trouble in gay paradise" Mindy mumbled following me she pulled me into the janitor's closet I instantly broke down and she pulled me into a hug "What happened T" Mindy said still hugging me trying to make me feel better I slowly left her embrace "Amber and I got into a argument" Making Mindy have a confused expression "When ever you two argue your always okay" She said making me cry even harder "It was different this time we apologize right after  always" Mindy only smiled thinking that this was hilarious "I'm sure she'll talk to you later at the party" I nodded and wiped my face and started laughing "Let's go it smells like shit" I said walking out of the janitors closet Mindy following right behind me

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