Let go

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Taras POV

I went to sleep as soon as I got home since I was still tired when I got up someone was blowing up my phone I picked it up and answered "Who is this" I said walking away from the living room and going upstairs "Is this Christina Carpenter" I looked surprised my mom had friends of course but they never really called unless she was here they always checked up on me when they called too knowing my mom is an alcoholic "Who's speaking" I said walking upstairs putting them on speaker while texting Amber "I'm a friend from group" From group since when does she even go to group I suggested it for her I didn't know she would listen "What do you talk about" I said sitting the phone down and fidgeting with my fingers "What's your favorite scary movie Tara" they said in a deep tone I was a little confused and texted Amber saying it was a creep "I really like the babadook" they huffed and laughed "What about stab" they sounded like a weirdo and it truly scared me a little bit so I hung up and they called back upset "Don't fucking hang up again Carpenter or I'll gut your precious Amber" My heart sunk as they said that "What do you want" I ran downstairs and grabbed a knife and went back to my room locking the door "I want to play a game" I'm good at games "Okay fine but you can't hurt Amber" They laughed and mumbled something like a creep "You know what Tara you deserve this" they hung up and I called the police I heard someone walking upstairs they kicked my door down and I seen someone in a ghost face mask "Shit" he ran towards me when I tried to move they grabbed me and stabbed me three times I kicked him knocking him down but I could barely move they stabbed my hip I could hear the police sirens as I passed out

Ambers POV

I got out the shower and got dressed I left my phone downstairs I seen Mindy Chad Olivia and Wes called me like 4 times each I called Mindy back "Amber where the fuck are you" She sounded like she'd been crying "I just got out of the shower what's wrong Mindy" She started crying I could hear Chad in the background upset "Tara's in the hospital" I figured it was an asthma attack but it still scared me "What happened" I could hear her trying to calm down a little bit to talk "She was attacked some sick fuck tried to kill her they were wearing a ghost face mask" I hung up and grabbed my keys and got in my car I speeded to the hospital I was in tears when I seen her she smiled when she saw me but I could tell she was upset I walked to her side "Hey T" I said she reached for my hand "I'm glad your okay" She said holding my hand tighter I was fine with it after what she went through today "What do you mean T why would I be okay" I seen tears form in her eyes "He said he would kill you" My heart instantly broke I'm the reason Tara was in the hospital "Tara I would let anyone kill me before I let them hurt you" Tara only broke down even more "I was so scared Amber" I don't know why but I kissed her she seemed calm when I did I caressed her cheek it was a slow but passionate kiss we didn't stop until someone cleared their throat behind me our friends were watching the whole time Wes wasn't amused "Sam" Tara said smiling our hands still interlocked "Hey Tara" she walked to the other side of Taras bed I looked at her I never got along with Sam I could always tell there was something off about her and the day she left Tara was the day I knew she was a shitty sister "Amber" Sam said flashing a fake smile I ignored her but I knew Tara still loved her sister "I'll be back okay since Sam is here I'll let you two be alone" Tara smiled a real smile I let go of her hand and walked out and sat with our friends Mindy was happy

Tara's POV

"Are you okay T" My sister who left me alone with our alcoholic mother was asking if I was okay I love Sam but all the emotions were finally setting in "You left me Sam you left me with our mom you could've taken me with you" Sam's expression changed to a even sadder one she had someone with her they were awkwardly waiting outside "I just couldn't take it anymore and your whole life is here" She was right but if she had money to leave she had money to move out and still be in my life "So what I needed you" Sam seemed surprised a little bit "But I'm right too I just seen you making out with Amber Freeman" So what that doesn't change the fact she left me without even saying goodbye or anything and my mom didn't even care that she was gone "So why did you come Sam" She backed away from me and grabbed a chair and sat down "Your still my sister and I love you and sisters make mistakes" I didn't know how to feel anymore the one person I wanted right now was Amber "I think know why this is happening T" Sam said looking at a little guilty "What are you talking about" Sam took a deep breath "I found out me and you we don't have the same dad Tara" I was honestly confused our mom had been with our dad ever since high school "What mom loved dad" Sam looked at me and shook her head "I was going through moms old stuff and I found out that my dad was Billy Loomis when I confronted her dad was behind me the whole time I'm the reason why our family broke apart I'm the reason dad left" She's the reason I got hurt she's the reason why Amber could've gotten hurt "You need to stay far away from me Sam" "Tara please" I cut her off "Get the fuck out Sam" I yelled drawing attention to the room she got up and left Amber walked back in with our friends behind her Amber sat in the chair Sam was sitting in and held my hand "I'll see you tomorrow Tara" Wes kissed my cheek and left Amber did not like that at all and slowly let go of my hand.

1136 words😭

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