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Amber POV

I went to sleep when I got home when I woke up I took a shower trying to forget about my talk with Tara we were best friends but sometimes you can't forgive your best friend but you can move on instead when I got dressed I seen Mindy sent me a text it was Tara's party I was going to go to celebrate Tara still being alive but I don't plan on talking to her it was 10 pm and the party started at nine I called Meya and asked her to come with me she said yeah so I went to pick her up "Hey" she said sitting in the passenger seat "Hey" she put on her seat belt "I seen Tara on the news is she alright" She said it sounded like she was just trying to make conversation "Yeah she's alright" I tensed up a little thinking about Tara and what she could be doing right now "That good are you two together" She seemed a little desperate to talk to me to be honest I got text from Mindy asking if I was on my way I told her yeah as soon as I was pulling up when we got out of the car one the first people I seen was Chad and then I seen Tara she looked like she was having fun I didn't even know why Mindy was throwing a party when someone wants to hurt Tara but I ignored it Meya grabbed my face and kissed me damn this bitch was desperate but I went along with it she tugged on my shirt as we made out I knew what she wanted and I was going to give it to her we got to an empty room all I could think about was Tara and how much I wanted this girl to be her I took off her shirt when I did someone busted in the room it was Tara of course it was Tara I jumped up when I saw her "Get the fuck out" She said staring at Meya she instantly ran out making me laugh "What's funny freeman" She shut the door and sat next to me "The way you made her run away" thinking about it even more only made me laugh harder "Amber I'm sorry I know I'm the reason why you were in jail and I'm so fucking sorry I was scared at that moment I could've even accused a dead person of being ghost face and I know you would never hurt me just please forgive me" She held eye contact I knew her so well I could tell she wasn't lying "I forgive you T I will always forgive you" Tara looked at me she seemed happy I forgave her "I swear Tara I would let that asshole kill me before I even let him get close to you" Tara hugged me for a while when we stopped we went downstairs a couple of girls looked at Tara and I basically scared each one away I wasn't having as much fun as Tara the only part I enjoyed was holding her hand the whole entire time

Tara POV

I was holding Ambers hand while talking to Chad and Wes "Have you guys seen Liv she isn't answering my texts" Chad said a little worried and Wes laughed "Are you scared your girlfriend is getting railed by some guy" Chad didn't look amused he looked irritated because of what Wes said "Hey Tara how about we go get something to drink" Wes said smiling "No I'm good" I sat on Ambers lap to let him know I've made up my mind "Fuck you" Wes mumbled but even Chad could hear him I could feel Amber about to get up until I tapped her leg "Knock it off Wes" Chad said sticking up for me Mindy walked up to us "My favorite gays living happily" Yeah sure we were happy now but I'm sure it'll all end soon "Yeah well that psycho is still out there" Amber said putting her hand on my leg Wes walked off the room slowly started clear out including the whole house "Do you guys hear that" Chad said and the front door slammed making all of us jump thats when Amber finally got up not letting me go "Tara" We heard someone yell Amber made me stay back while she went to check with Mindy they came back with Sam "What are you doing here" I said confused "Since I know your okay I decided to go back home" A person in a ghost face mask walked from behind the corner and stabbed Amber we all ran in separate directions and I wasn't with Amber she ran outside and they followed her the person I was with was Sam and she stopped me from following Amber


I got Amber when I ran outside behind her she was bleeding to death right now I stabbed Chad so much he finally passed out I looked for Mindy and Olivia since I knew my partner hadn't got them yet I heard someone breathing from in the closet I had the gun on my hip I opened the closet and Mindy tried running I grabbed her by her hair and pulled her back making her fall I stabbed her stomach "Classic Mindy Meeks I honestly thought you were better hiding in a closet really that's like the worst place to hide" I slashed her leg she screamed for help knowing no one would come help her somebody hit me on the head making me fall they turned away to help Mindy but I ran as they helped her get up I ran to the basement and quickly changed and cut my self a couple times I could hear the sirens Tara walked into the basement I quickly got in a position"He got away" Tara helped me up "Did you come to grab a beer" I nodded hissing in pain she checked my body for any serious cuts like she was a doctor this must be how Amber feels when she's with Tara being able to hug her and kiss her I didn't want to kill her fuck why didn't you just choose me Tara I would've kept you off the list but the plan is already in motion "Which way did he go" I looked a little scared "I don't know I ran away after he stabbed me" Tara then got a worried look on her face "Where is Amber" I almost smiled she didn't catch it so worried about her precious Amber she ran off and I followed her she broke down when she seen Amber gasping for air "Why didn't you come with me" she said lifting Amber's head up when the paramedics got here she made sure they got to Amber first "I'm sorry about Amber I know how much you care about her" I said trying make her feel better knowing I'll have to kill her soon she stayed silent fidgeting with her hands Olivia pulled up in her and tried comforting Tara but nothing worked an hour later she got a call saying she could go to the hospital to see Amber she ran to Ambers car she had a key for some reason we got in the car and Tara was speeding

Tara POV

When I got to Ambers room she wasn't awake and Sam was trying to comfort me "Why isn't she awake yet" Chad was in a wheelchair and Mindy could walk just fine but they looked like they didn't want to tell me something Wes looked confused "Tara they said it's a chance she might be in a coma" Amber? In a coma tears ran down my face at the thought of losing her like this to a psycho when I just got her back "Everyone get out" I don't need them here right now the only person I need is Amber "Get out" I yelled every single person in there got out I laid my head on Ambers bed for hours I didn't want to move I eventually fell asleep when I woke up Amber still wasn't awake and Mindy was in the room "Hey T they said it's only a chance" but I didn't want to hear any of that "Let's get this over with" Whoever did this to Amber when I find out who I'll kill them for her

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