Fuck you

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Amber POV

I stayed with Tara overnight I stayed up all night worried about her the doctors told me to get some sleep but I couldn't I was awake when Tara got up in the morning I didn't even feel tired she smiled when she saw me "Good morning" I said helping her get up "Good morning I'm happy you stayed with me" she was standing with my help "Of course I stayed with you T" I needed to get her some water she hadn't had anything to drink yet and the doctors said to make sure she's hydrated and make sure she gets up I didn't want to leave her alone since there was a psycho who wanted to hurt her now "Tara are you in pain right now" I said helping her lay back down she looked at me confused "No why" she said adjusting her self back into a comfortable position "I wanted to go get you some water do you want anything to eat" She smiled I knew what that meant she wanted food that wasn't in the hospital and I don't blame her the food here is horrible "What do you want to eat" I said laughing "Chick fil a please" She loved Chick fil a "I'll be back" as soon as I was about to open the door Tara huffed "Wait come back" When I got next to her she pulled me down and gave me a kiss "Please be safe don't do anything stupid" She mumbled worried "What makes you think I'd do something stupid" Tara only started to smile "Your still my best friend Amber I know you way to well" Best friend? Trust me it'll be more than that soon "I'll be quick" I seen a man in a hoodie just sitting down with his face covered I ignored it and walked to my car

Tara POV

I heard a lot of stuff falling outside of my room I ignored it and got on my phone suddenly the power went off and my heart started dropping I called Amber I heard her phone ringing from outside I was praying she dropped it when she walked out the door opened and it was Amber she had her phone in her hand "Did you drop your phone or something" She smiled and sat in the chair "I decided to door dash so I could stay with you" I seen Amber trying to make her phone work "Did the power go out T" I nodded and she groaned I got up without Ambers help she was a little surprised but not to much she got up and walked towards me "Are you okay Tara" I jumped a little at the way she said my name "Yeah just a little scared" I slowly unplugged the hospital cords in my arms "Are you supposed to do that" Amber said worried "No but I want to and I really wanna do this" I kissed her making her stumble back a little when we broke apart it was short Amber kissed me again cupping my cheek I looked at her when we broke apart again she smiled "Tara I have a question" She held my hand I could tell she was a little nervous "What is it" I said looking at her letting her know she didn't have to be afraid to ask or tell me anything "Never mind I'll ask you when your not in here" Mindy was throwing a party for me the day after I leave the hospital and that's when I'll be able to leave the doctor walked in a little surprised "Your standing on your own that's great Tara" The woman said when she realized I took off everything that was on me she immediately asked me if I felt okay to go home and the other doctors think I'm just fine but if I starts to feel sick immediately come back so we left that day and agreed to stay at my place

Amber POV

I was downstairs upset that Tara's chick fil a never came so I decided I was going to cook for her instead she walked downstairs and turned on the tv "Amber" She said in a scared tone when I turned around the news was on another person has been attacked meaning that the sick fuck was still out there the guy that was killed looked familiar "Didn't he go to our school" I said walking closer to Tara and putting my hands on her waist to calm her down "What if he comes back" Tara cried I instantly embraced her and  brushed her hair out of her face "Tara I'm with you do you really think I'd let him hurt you" I only held on to her tighter and she slowly backed away from me "Why are you always gone when something happens Amber" I felt a little hurt and held eye contact "You think I would hurt you Tara" I said slightly in a deep tone and Tara backed up towards the door "Your fucking ghost face" She yelled and called the police tears formed in my eyes "Tara I would never even think about hurting you like that" She only shook her head she stayed away from me until the  police came and arrested me

Mindy POV

I was at Taras why do you think Amber is ghost face "She's always gone when something happens" She huffed she let herself be arrested she didn't try to kill Tara or anything so I was a little confused "I'm sorry T but it could've just been your brain at the moment" Tara looked like she realized she made a huge mistake probably because she just did "Your right Mindy" She said wiping away the tears forming in her eyes "Maybe she'll forgive you" Tara shook her head "I'm going up to the police station I'm going to tell them I was wrong" Smart but no Tara told me about the times they kissed and Amber truly likes Tara but it's clear Tara has some serious trust issues now but they're still best friends "She will forgive you T" Me and Tara left to go to the police station when Tara told them they told her make sure it doesn't happen again when we seen Amber she walked right past Tara "Amber please talk to me" Amber seemed so upset we walked to the parking lot and Tara grabbed Ambers arm "Tara please get away from me" Amber said in tears and I sighed walking to the car to let them be alone I could still hear every single word "I was scared Ambs" Amber looked like she was about to explode "Your supposed to trust me Tara your supposed to believe me when I tell you I would never fucking hurt you" Amber yelled Tara tried to walk closer to her "Please" Tara said grabbing Ambers hand "This thing between me and you is now over" Amber walked off leaving Tara there crying I could tell Amber didn't want to do that "Please Amber I love you" Tara said crying I felt bad "Come one T you need to get some sleep" She was quiet the whole ride back when we got to my house she laid on my bed and went to sleep I told Chad what happened and he felt bad too I decided to throw Tara's party tonight to make her feel a little better.

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