Sit down

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Ambers POV:

I felt horrible about what I said to Tara I didn't know how to feel she's my best friend but I've had a crush on her since we've met and she hasn't realized it school was over and I was walking to my car when I see Wes and Tara holding hands I only walked faster trying to avoid them when I got into my car I rested my head on my steering wheel until I heard a knock on my window I looked up to see Tara I unlocked the door and she sat down in the passenger seat and closed the door and smiled while looking at me "What" I asked starting up the car "Were you going to leave me here" Tara said making my heart drop at the thought of me leaving her here but I also thought about her and Wes "Of course not baby" I smiled me and Tara always joked around like that because people liked to believe that we're together for some reason "Amber that argument we had you don't feel a type of way do you" Tara said avoiding eye contact "Your my best friend I'll always forgive you" I smiled as I held her hand I drove to Tara's house "Do you want me to come in with you" I asked Tara knowing how her mom can get "No I'm fine I wouldn't want you to see the mess my mom has probably made anyway" I could tell Tara was smiling through the pain I didn't want her to start crying before the sleep over so I left it alone and let go of her hand she grabbed her backpack when I did "I'll make it quick" she quickly kissed my cheek and walked into her house I was confused Tara was a roller coaster sometimes it was fun other times I felt like throwing up

Tara's POV

There was bottles all over the table just like I thought it would be I walked upstairs and packed a bag I put my bag on the floor downstairs and cleaned up when I turned around my mom was standing behind me "Where are you going Tara" she said grabbing beer out of the fridge I picked up my bag "A sleepover" I mumbled heading to the door "I'll be gone tomorrow morning" I honestly wasn't surprised that she'd be gone she always is but she was my mom I would always love her no matter what "Okay love you" she sat on the couch drinking her beer "love you too" she basically gave her life to the couch I walked back to Ambers car and sat down "Are you alright" Amber said trying to see my face she can always tell when I don't feel good "I'm fine but do we need to go to your house to get your stuff" Amber looked confused and a smile slowly appeared on her face "You know I'm always ready for a sleepover T" I laughed as I held her hand again the ride to Mindy and Chads place was quick I would laugh so much with Amber it seemed like any ride would be quick she got out the car and opened the door for me "Come on princess" Amber said smiling when I got out of the car she went in the back to grab her bag while I knocked on the door Mindy ran to the door making me jump Amber noticed and wasn't a fan of it "Fuck off Meeks" she yelled from the car causing Mindy to laugh "Your girlfriend doesn't like that huh" the more and more people say it makes me think about if Amber was my girlfriend of course she wouldn't be but it's nice to imagine Mindy dragged me in and Amber walked in behind me and grabbed my bag and put it upstairs I was cuddled up with Mindy and Amber sat across the couch "Let's watch stab" we all groaned "We always watch that shit" Chad said making me laugh "It's the best movie in the existence of movies" She put it on and I rested my head on her shoulder "Tara come here" Amber said sternly and interrupting the movie "Uh okay" I was a little scared but Mindy started laughing as I walked towards Amber "What is it" Amber grabbed me by my waist and pulled me down next to her "Your sitting with me" she whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine I looked at Wes who started smiling "Tara can you come here please" Amber stared him down as soon as he said that "I'm good Wes Mindy can you please start the movie" Mindy rolled her eyes annoyed we interrupted the movie "You assholes are lucky I don't restart it now shut the hell up" Amber laughed and held my hand.

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