- two

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On the one hand, it felt like yesterday - he remembered exactly how their lips had touched gently and slowly for the first time, their hands still roughly and uncertainly roaming over the other body. On the other hand, he realized that it had been years ago.

He swallowed noticeably ... Years ... but a warm smile settled on his lips.

From the beginning, he knew that there was something between him and Hyunjin that he could not feel with the other members. He knew exactly how Hyunjin's gaze took his breath away from day one - those intense eyes with the slightest hint of a smirk on the lips. And he knew then, too, where this would end as he sat down on Hyunjin's lap - hair black and short between his fingers, the fake lip ring at the right corner of Hyunjin's mouth glistening on in the dim light ...

"Have a good evening!"

Felix sat up in surprise when the man from before walked by, smiling and raising his hand. But before he could have returned the gesture, the blond-haired man was already gone again - in his hand a jacket, which he must have retrieved. Instead, Hyunjin came back and handed him the refilled bottle before sitting back down on the ground, "Here, watch out, it's cold as hell."

Smiling, he accepted the bottle, "Thank you." The water was indeed ice-cold and a cool shiver running down his spine made him tremble noticeably.

"You okay?" asked Hyunjin, who was now leaning against the nearby wall, his legs comfortably spread apart, his hair now loose.

"Just a little cold."

"Come here then," Hyunjin laughed, holding out his hand. For a split second, he wanted to refuse, but only because he was worried someone would come to the gym again. But it was the middle of the night, and even in the worst case scenario, a little physical contact wouldn't make them a target for the press. So he returned the grin, "Tsk." He reached out for the held out hand and let the taller one pull him between his legs before leaning backwards against him.

"You could have said so straight away" Hyunjin murmured, lightly dipping the now empty plastic bottle on Felix's head before setting it aside. "Nah, that was just from the cold water now," he assured, snuggling further into the touch contentedly before closing his eyes once more.

Hyunjin's fingers had yet again found themselves in Felix's hair - the scrunchie undone, it now hung around his own wrist - the gentle touches eliciting a comfortable sigh from the smaller man. It had a relaxing effect and the pleasant warmth of Hyunjin, somehow made him feel sleepy.

"I think I'm tired.", Felix yawned and let his hand slide to Hyunjin's thigh to pinch it briefly. The latter let go of his hair and placed his hands on his shoulders instead, where he continued his massaging motion. "Shall we go back upstairs? I wouldn't mind skipping the second set."

"Mhh ... let's sit here for a while. This is too cozy to get up right away." He knew Hyunjin could hear the smirk in his voice, if not see it. "Okay. Just don't fall asleep on me," he replied with amusement.

Absently, after a while, Hyunjin began to fiddle with the collar of Felix's sleeveless T-shirt while humming Youtiful softly. He gently slipped his fingers under the thin fabric and delicately stroked his collarbone. Lightly, he let his fingers brush along Felix's neck, outlining its contours with his fingers. Another wave of pleasurable shivers rolled over Felix. On the one hand, he felt sleepy, but at the same time, as if he couldn't and didn't want to fall asleep.

His thoughts drifted away from reality, away from the situation where all their touches would never be enough, away from the strong emotions that had been secretly mixed into the mere lust and desire for satisfaction.

Lost in thought, his hands once again wandered to Hyunjin's thighs, where he let them roam over the muscular leg. Although the muscles were covered by his sweatpants, Felix could still feel the outline of each one. And Hyunjin's hands repeatedly wandered under the light fabric of the T-shirt and rested on Felix's pecs until he started fiddling with his chain. The metal was warmed through by body heat and hung familiarly between his fingers.

eight - two = sex |hyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now