Chapter I - A world of Sloth

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Reinhard: [Where are we?] He asked as he founding himself and the girl in front of a small house.

There was not in lugnica.

(Art was done by me)

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(Art was done by me)

In front of two out them was a father to a kid and a Who is she? Blue hair? Oni race?

Is this ram rip out?

Slothbaru: [Reinhard...]

Reinhard: [Subaru?] Surprised by seeing his dead friend alive and well.

Adhara: [Reinhard you! I hate you right now.] She ignores said to the sword Saint.

Subaru: [What happened?]

Reinhard: [I don't know very much about what happened but... It seem like was in a world that I familiar to.]

Adhara: [Hey old man tell me what changed in this.] pointing her finger at slothbaru.

Confused. Slothbaru was confused about what happening.

Slothbaru: [What are you talking about?]

Reinhard: [You should...]

Adhara: [I need to bring you back to your world... It will be a problem.]

Slothbaru: [Another world are you guy not from this world?]

Reinhard: [It seem so.]

Adhara: [Hey old man who are you married to? I see the ring on your finger.]

Slothbaru: [Rem. My wife.]

Adhara: [You... Cheated on my mother but on other hand you're just a failed version of the old man.]

Slothbaru: [What are you talking about? And I'm not cheating on who?]

Reinhard: [Adhara did you know how we can get back.]

Adhara: [I know but I need to do something with this one First.]

She said confidently and look at slothbaru.

Adhara: [So you have two choices.]

Slothbaru: [What choice?]


[One: You give me The Authority of Envy of your. You like to called it Return by deaths ain't you?]

[Two: You refuse giving it to me and having fun tries countless time to killed me.]

[You have a choice Natsuki Subaru.]

Subaru: [What?] His face changed into scared.

This girl know about Return By deaths.

The biggest advanced the enemies of Natsuki Subaru can have.

Reinhard: [Return by deaths? What is it.]

Adhara: [Return by deaths is a authority of envy that almost Evey Subaru has.]

Devine Protection of wind reading detect no lie.

Reinhard: [Authority of Envy. Almost Evey Subaru has that mean...]

Adhara: [Yes... He has it too. The authority also him to sent his conscious into a checkpoint in time the ability was active by deaths.]

Hearing the girl explain his ability to the dangerous man alive.

Slothbaru started sweat drop hard.

And then his wife come in.

Rem: [Subaru-kun what happened.] Said worries to her husband.

Adhara: [I don't have time. What is your choice?] She said carelessly.

Reinhard: [Ain't this is gone too far?]

Adhara: [Just trust me.]

Rem: [Sword-saint-sama...] Rem said after seeing the sword saint here.

Slothbaru: [Who are you? And why I know about it.]

Slothbaru asked the girl. Now Adhara is tired of introduce herself.

Adhara: [I, Adhara Natsuki. Yeah wow surprised plot twist.]

Rem: [Natsuki Adhara?] Rem said after hear the girl names. From her views this is might be Subaru siblings or bloodline or something.

Slothbaru: [You are also A Natsuki who is your parents?] Slothbaru asked.

Adhara: [Ummm Reinhard can you activate your wind reading?] She asked Reinhard this time was a bit kind in her voice.

Reinhard: [Already active it.] Reinhard smile back.

Adhara: [I'm the daughter of Natsuki Subaru and Satella. You guy might know her as a witch of envy but what I know she is a sweat and good mother and don't you dare use your horn.]

Truths boom has been dropped.

Many jaw has been dropped open.

Rem: [Lie... That was lie.] Unbelievable with what she heard rem said.

Reinhard: [She isn't lying. This is... The truth.] He was surprised as well. There nothing than accept this truth he have year to learn about it.

Subaru: [Rem... Rem...] Slotharu run to his wife side.

Slotharu: [Explain yourself now.]

Adhara: [You know the multiverse stuff? Right... Right... Many world many different...] She pointed her finger at the sky doing the iconic Natsuki Subaru pose but cooler.

While Reinhard was chuckle a bit it bring back old memories.

Slothbaru: [So... In a kind you are my daughter from another world.] Chuckle a little bit about what happened.

Adhara: [Giving me your answer... One or two.]

Intensely the two stare at each other...

The scariest eye vs A scarier eye.

Standing in front of each other.

Slothbaru was about to giving a answers.

While. Adhara waiting...

Slothbaru: [I know it now... I giving up my power to you. Adhara Natsuki.]

Take the authority of envy from slothbaru into herself.

Now she have Two authority of envy.

Shaping her new authority into a new power.

Rem: [Subaru-kun are you ok?] running up to her husband rem ask slothbaru worriedly.

Slothbaru: [Rem... I'm ok.]

Reinhard: [Maybe we go back?]

Adhara: [Yeah Reinhard it time let go.]

A blink both of them was in a white void space outside everything.

Adhara: [Let started our journey...]

Reinhard: [Wait don't you get me back to my world?]

Adhara: [Don't worry about that.]

Grab his hand with a smile. Adhara teleported both of them to another world.

A similar world.

(A/N: Fun fact I haven't reading any chapter of sloth if yet. I don't knwo why I don't read it.)

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