Chapter V - Lost into sanity

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In the sealed the warlock of envy and wrath sitting there waiting.

Get his deserve punishment until a girl suddenly teleported in it.

???: [Oh shit.]

The warlock look at her with a interested this girl has a strongest sane than his and have more than one authority just like him.

From the look she was a half elf just like her. In a crimson dress golden necklace. Violet eye.

Subaru: [Who are you? What are you doing here?]

???: [I'm Just a girl who pass through your story.]

???: [By the way old man how was your day getting sealed in this for eternity?]

Subaru: [Get out of here before---]

???: [---What? You used the authority of wrath on me? I bet aunt Minerva will hate if she you doing this?]

Subaru face turned into a sad one after hear what the girl said.

???: [By the way ain't you going for a tea party?]

Subaru: [Tea Party? Haven't heard about it for a while.]

???: [Yeah...]

???: [Let go tragic one.]

In a school both of them was at a grassland. A tea party.

Every witch was there look at the two with a confused.

???: [Subaru you back here?]

???: [Baru! Baru! You lok
Look so guilty.]

???: [Yummy... I take this meat. Here take one Subarun.]

???: [Troublesome... Hah.]

???: [H-He h-eere.]

???: [The half elf lover is here.]

Subaru: [Guy...]

???: [Seeing this old man. And now I'm gone.]


On another grass land there was a familiar House until there was a knock.

The one who open the door was the sword saint.

???: [Oh hey...]

Look into the house there was. Natsuki Subaru. Every witch. Sitting there watching Seven Deadly sin.

Reinhard: [Who are you?]

???: [Just a random girl who pass through your story.]

???: [By the way can i get in.]

Letting her in. Just a step into the house Evey strongest person there can feel the girl power.

It was powerful than all of them.

???: [Don't worry I'm just here to watch the anime.]

Subaru: [I'm sorry but how did you get here?]

Typhon: [Are you a sinner?]

???: [Com'n guy i just want to watch the anime with you.]

Reinhard: [If i may asked. Who are you really? And how did you get here?]

???: [Ain't i told you already. I'm just random girl who pass through. Your Devine Protection of wind reading isn't detect anything for me.]

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