II. you stole a kid

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italics indicate russian, all translations can be found at the end of the chapter. 

"Katyusha, idi syuda na minutku." Natasha asked, patting the empty space on a couch in Katya's room.

She just came out of the bathroom connected to her daughter's room, after taking a much-needed shower that helped clear her head and relieve even more tension. Katya was sitting by her desk where she had an open book. She propped her chin on her hand and held the book open with the other one. Natasha has never seen that book before, Laura must have bought it for her while she was gone. The girl closed it and crossed the room. A genuine smile showed on her face as soon as she sat next to Natasha and leaned into her touch, resting her head on Romanoff's shoulder.

"Chto takoye, mama?" she asked.

She could've easily talked to her in English. The girl understood it perfectly and had no trouble communicating with it, but there was some weird comfort Natasha always took in talking in Russian. And now, when they weren't exactly alone or around only the Bartons, talking in it was even more special, it was their thing. Knowing that no one would understand them, created some kind of a safe space for both of them.

"We have some company today," Natasha said while tucking a loose strand of Katya's light hair behind her ear.

"I know."

"They are my friends and I would like to tell them about you," she said, waiting for her little girl's reaction. She lifted her head up and met Nat's gaze. "Are you okay with that?"

"Are they good?"

That one question was enough to bring back painful memories and make Natasha's heartache. No one deserved to go through what Katya did, especially not a child like her. That few years scarred her for life and took something from her. Something she will never be able to get back, no matter what. She might have seemed normal now, but that place changed everyone. No matter the age, no matter how long you've been there.

"They are my friends. I trust them, and so does Clint. It was his idea to come here, you know." Natasha explained. "I can tell you more about each one if you want."

"It's okay, you don't have to," Katya replied after shaking her head. "If you trust them, I do too. You can tell them about me."

"And what do you think about showing them some of our tricks? It might help them understand." Natasha suggested.

"Good idea. I'm sure they'll be so surprised!" the girl agreed, nodding her head eagerly. "Will you braid my hair, mama?"



Everyone found something to busy themselves with - Bruce focused on resting, he was still not fully himself after the encounter with the Maximoff girl. Steve and Tony helped with some everyday chores like chopping wood and Stark even fixed a tap in the downstairs bathroom. Laura had been nagging Clint about it for the last two months, every time he was home, with no effect.

Natasha spent a few hours making up for the lost time with Katya, mostly listening as the girl talked her ear off over a simple board game Cooper taught her to play in Romanoff's absence. Then she offered to help Laura with making dinner but she got thrown out of the kitchen to spend more time with her kid.

All the Avengers, aside from Thor who still hadn't come back, were gathered around the dining table. It's been a few hours since they arrived, they had just finished eating dinner. Laura had already gone outside with Lila and Cooper, Clint stayed behind to put away the dishes. Katya was still close to Natasha at all times but she seemed to warm up a bit to the so-called guests, however, her true, bubbly, and cheery personality remained exclusive for the time spent behind closed doors of her bedroom but at least she wasn't afraid to talk in their presence.

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