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A/N - Hi! chapter 1-3 is rly fast and shit so i'll deffo rewrite it at some point but for now just know that it'll get better 🙏🙏 these chaps are mainly just introducing my oc Aurora but if you want to skip straight to Terminus then that's chap 4 <33


Aurora had been travelling with her small group for over a year now, on a mission to get Eugene to Washington to end this hell loop they all seemed to be stuck in. She doesn't understand what Eugene will do, all she knows is the others believe it'll work - so she does too.

Originally when the world went to shit, Aurora and her sister Rue were separated, torn apart by the hordes of the living desperately trying to evade the dead. Most didn't. Aurora found herself alone and scared, hiding in a random house, praying that Rue somehow finds her and fixes it all.

Diana, a former FBI agent, grieving over the loss of her wife, stumbled upon a young girl with dishevelled hair and ripped clothes and immediately knew she couldn't leave her. Aurora trusted Diana quickly, maybe too quickly, and they became close. Diana taught Aurora what she could whilst travelling across Arkansas, hoping to find a sanctuary somewhere.

Instead, they came across a big ginger man. Diana and Aurora were told that someone in his group had a cure, that they could save them all and Diana was asked if she would help.

Diana originally refused, she didn't want to leave Aurora, as she knew she wouldn't survive alone. But once the ginger guy 'Abraham' rephrased and clarified he meant both of them, they accepted, and Abraham lead them back to his truck.

Two people left the truck when they saw Abraham, a man with a mullet and a girl. Once they walked closer, Aurora immediately recognised Rue and ran towards her, wrapping her arms around her sister and Rue crying into the younger girl's hair, thankful she was alive.

They met a group of 5 a few months later and lost them all to walkers or other survivors except for one, a 24-year-old called Rosita Espinosa. The group kept growing, all members willing to sacrifice themselves for Eugene, the man with the cure, and therefore the group kept shrinking.

And that was that.

Presently, the group is just the six of them; Aurora, Abraham, Rue, Rosita, Diana and Eugene.

"Guys look, shops" Aurora leant forward, banging on the glass separating the inside of the truck to where she, Rosita and Rue were sitting.

"Aurora it's probably empty, already looted by others." Eugene replied, staring out his window at the street of shops.

Rue moved forward, to ensure that those in the cabin of the van could hear her, "Or taken over by a group that will probably try to kill us and take our shit."

Aurora threw her head back in mock desperation, "But I'm so hungry," She ran her fingers through her matted hair, looking towards her sister and smiling as if that'll change her mind, "They might have food."

Diana turned around, "Aurora we have food, we have a couple cans of soup."

"I'd rather die than eat soup."

Abraham interrupted the conversation, "Aurora either eat the soup or starve, but quit complaining and sit back down."

Aurora again rolled her eyes but complied, taking her seat next to Rosita and staring up at the sky, trying to ignore her hunger.

An hour or so go by when Aurora is awoken by Rosita shifting and standing up, making her fall, "I didn't even realise I fell asleep." Aurora mumbled, sitting up straight.

Rosita ignored her and carried on looking at the sky, Aurora followed her eyes and saw what she was looking at.

Dark grey smoke was intruding on the blue sky, pushing the perfect white clouds out of the way and infecting the clean air.

Abraham pulled the truck to a stop and the three exited the cabin and walked round to the others while Rue pulled the map out.

Rosita moved over to the map, "It looks like wherever that's coming from, it's right on our path."

"They might have left though? How do we know the fire's still burning?" Aurora asked, looking at the map and then the smoke, attempting to estimate where the fire is.

Eugene turned away from studying the smoke and shook his head at Aurora, "It's grey, it's still burning. If it was white then it wouldn't be." Aurora simply nodded her head and smiled in thanks.

"Even if it wasn't burning, we'd still need to avoid it,"Abraham started, "it'd be a massive risk to our safety."

Rosita and Diana were studying the map, hoping to find another path to avoid the fire, but to no avail.

"We could go this way," Rosita suggested, pointing to a road on the map, "but that would at least take another few days, and honestly we don't have enough supplies."

Aurora looked around at what they had, and saw she was right, they only had a couple of cans of soup, a few water bottles and not even any spare gas.

Abraham picked up the map, much to the annoyance of Rosita and Diana, "Well, there must be a way we can find more supplies on the way." He studied the map, furrowing his eyebrows when he couldn't see a route.

"Not really," Diana took the map back, and pointed to where we were and then pointed to the nearest shop on that path, "That's at least a day away, and honestly they probably won't have anything. It's only one shop."

"Damn imagine we stopped at them shops back there." Aurora muttered, causing the others to give them a dirty look.

"Honestly, Abraham, I think it's worth the risk,"Diana started.

"I don't give a rat's ass what you think, we're not risking Eugene's life. Not when he can reverse all this."

They went back and forth for a few minutes before they eventually agreed to go by the fire, but if anything seems off, they get out of there immediately. Everyone gets back into their seats and the truck begins its slow crawl down the road.

About 20 minutes pass when they start to hear voices coming from the road around the upcoming corner. It's a man and woman, and then they hear the dead.

The truck stops just before the turn and Abraham and Rosita get out of the cabin, to go investigate. Aurora makes a move as if she's going to get out but is met with stern looks from both Abraham and Rue, and she decides to stay put.

She sees Abraham and Rosita talking as if debating whether or not they seem trustworthy and whether it's a good idea to enlist their help. Then they begin walking back towards the truck and climbed into their respective seats, before driving over to the pair.

Aurora sees that the man (and firstly wonders why is he wearing so much armour??) has collapsed, leaving the girl standing alone next to a small group of now-dead groaners. She looks up and sees the group, causing her to yell "Hope you enjoyed the show assholes!" at them.

They all climb out of the truck, each holding weapons, except for Eugene, Aurora holds her small pistol in her hand, clutching it as if her life depends on it - which it often does. She stands behind the group, knowing that if something were to happen, they'd be more useful than her.

Abraham looks at the girl, sweating and staring at the group, and says, "You got a damn mouth on you, you know that? What else you got?"

A/N || The first chapters are going to be a bit rough as I'm trying to introduce my OCs and yk just starting the fanfic 😭 but bear with me i swear it'll get better <33

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