S01xE03: Hamster And The Doughnutting Grannies

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Series 1 episode 3

Richard and the doughnutting grannies, and teasing ensues among the guys while they're watching over the footage after Wilman has finished editing and putting the episode together to go out on TV Sunday night.

Word Count; 863


To be honest, when he had first auditioned for Top Gear, he hadn't thought that something that they'd end up doing for the show would be teaching old ladies how to do doughnuts. It's not exactly something he would've expected to do on a motoring show, but he won't deny that it's certainly a lot of fun.

And the ladies sure do seem to be quite fond of him, as they continue to offer him cups of tea and slices of cake during their breaks from filming.

He's not sure how much cake and tea he's had, and how much he's had to decline after he's had more than enough.

He really doesn't think he could drink another cup of tea or have another bite of cake at this rate....

But regardless of these lovely ladies' insistence of him having more tea and cake, he is really enjoying himself during this set of filming.

And he's really loving watching these older ladies have fun learning how to do doughnuts in a car, before eventually doing them. Watching their enjoyment is definitely an absolute treat.

Not to mention the results of their training is so unexpected, with the five of them being surprisingly good at it.

It's genuinely one of the best and the most fun spectacles he's ever seen.

And it certainly makes him feel very lucky to have the job he has on Top Gear. Because in what other job would he be able to have as much fun as he having right now?


"Those ladies were absolutely smitten with you, Richard." Jason says, as he, Richard, Jeremy, and Andy watch back the footage for the third episode back, Andy having just finished editing it to go out on TV Sunday night.

"Well, he is arguably the better looking one out of the lot of us. Along with being the youngest." Andy says.

Richard can't help but laugh in embarrassment, his cheeks heating up as his colleagues tease him about the segment he had done with teaching the older ladies how to make doughnuts. He absolutely knew that they'd end up teasing him after watching that.

And truthfully, if he was either of them, he probably would tease him, too.

But regardless of the fact that the older ladies really liked him during the filming of that segment, it was most certainly bet fun to film. And the results of the whole thing were definitely a surprise!

"I think Richard here will definitely be the one to draw in a female viewership." Jeremy jokes, as he wraps an arm around Richard's shoulders, pulling him in close to his side. "The ladies will be flocking in to watch the Hamster!"

And Richard groans at Jeremy's joke, cheeks going even redder as he covers his face with his hands, and laughs.


He's never considered himself to be a good looking bloke despite what his wife says, but he can't deny that if any of the three of them would bring in any female viewership to the show, it would be him. Not that he really has much competition in the looks department, anyway.

"Bloody Nora, Clarkson." He laughs. "Is the only reason I was hired to be on the show to draw in the ladies?"

Of course, he knows that it's not the reason, but he's got to play into the joke, doesn't he? And all it is, is harmless teasing between blokes, nothing more.

"Of course it's not." Jeremy laughs. "Although, it does come as a bit of a bonus."

Richard rolls his eyes at that, shaking Jeremy's arm off his shoulders, and giving him a playful shove. Which, given their height differences, doesn't really do much to knock Jeremy off of his chair.

The teasing mostly tapers down a bit after that, and they just discuss the episode. With Jeremy mentioning that the format they have seems a little clunky, but as they get more into things and find their groove, then it'll be a lot better.

There's still the issue of Jason not really participating in much of the conversations. But they had talked it over, and he had said that he's fine with the way things are going. That he doesn't mind that not a lot of the attention is drawn onto him.

Richard isn't too sure, though. And he's sure that Jason is telling the truth when he says that, he just.... It still just makes him feel bad about it. It should be all three of them participating together, not just him and Jeremy.

But then Jason also is the least experienced on telly, so hopefully once they get more into the hang of things, and have found what really works best for them, he'll end up coming out of his shell more than he already is. Because this needs to work.

Then finally, when they're not needed in the office, Jason had suggested that they go off to the pub for a drink. His shout.

And Jeremy and Richard can't say no to that, as they (including Andy this time) head off out of the office, and down to the nearest pub for a couple drinks.

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