S01xE04: Dawe's Nissan Skyline VT, And The Stig Goes Off The Track In An Aston

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Series 1 episode 4

Jason gets his first VT with the Nissan Skyline, but he's not confident that it's any good. While the Stig goes off the track in the Aston Martin Vanquish....

Word Count; 1,039


It's his first VT, and while in the moment he had felt as though he had done a good job, but now... now sitting in their small Top Gear office out at the Dunsfold track alongside Andy as they watch the final edit of the film, he's not so sure. He's worried that it's not going to be good enough, certainly not as good as what Jeremy could have done, or even Richard could have done.

And unfortunately, if it's not good enough, then they cannot refilm it. There's no way that they'll have the time to do any reshoots, and they don't have the car again to even be able to do it.

So however well this film has gone, they're stuck with it. And he's worried that it's not gone very well....

"It's bad, isn't it?" Jason asks, as the video finishes.

Andy looks surprised to hear him ask, and he's quick to shake his head. "No, it's not." He assures him. "It's good."

It does assure him some to hear Andy say that it's good. But he's very much aware of the fact that he's not as good at this as Jeremy and Richard are, considering they both have had previous experience on TV.

He's sure given time he'll get more confident on camera.

"What have we missed in here?"

Looking over towards the door of the portacabin, Jason finds Jeremy and Richard making their way inside.

"Jason's Nissan Skyline VT." Andy says.

Watching as Jeremy and Richard make their way over, Jason has to stifle his laughter, as Jeremy pulls Andy away from his desk - who doesn't look too impressed by Jeremy's action as he whacks him on the back of his head playfully - to take over and watch the film. While Richard attempts to squeeze in him and Jeremy, which given Richard's smaller size, isn't that difficult.

"Well I think it was excellent." Richard says, shifting around slightly to pat Jason on the back in encouragement once the film ends. "Good job, mate."

"I agree." Jeremy says. "There is room for improvement, I'll admit. But for your first VT it's great."

Their praise certainly boosts his confidence, even with Jeremy mentioning that there's room for improvement. Which he himself does agree with. And he's fairly confident that within time, he will improve a lot more.

However, he won't say it out loud to any of them, but... while he certainly does enjoy working alongside the guy, it is rather daunting to work with Jeremy Clarkson. He doesn't quite feel qualified enough to be working with someone of his success.

It doesn't help that he's very much aware of the fact that he wasn't first choice for the third presenter.... But he doesn't let that fact get to him.

But he knows that Jeremy had initially wanted someone else instead.

"Don't worry, Jason." Andy says, pushing Jeremy out of the way of his computer, which nearly results in Jeremy knocking Richard over into Jason, but luckily Richard is quick enough to move out of the way. "It's a much better effort than what a lot of others have done for their first VT."

"Definitely a lot better than my first." Richard puts in. "Anyway, now come on." He says. "The Stig is about to go out on the track in the Aston and Ferrari."

Making their way outside onto the track soon after, it's cold, and the weather is annoyingly very wet. Which is not ideal for the timed laps that the Stig is supposed to do around the track in both the Aston Martin Vanquish and the Ferrari 575. But there's nothing that they can really do about it.

And the man in the Stig's black suit seems willing enough to do it, and manages to do it exceptionally well, despite the shitty weather. And considering he's a professional racing driver, he should be.

And things do manage to go just fine in the Ferrari (thank god). But in the Aston however, things don't turn out going too good the first time around the track....

Despite the wet weather and equally wet track, things don't go so well as the Stig pushes himself a little too hard and ends up spinning out off the track while going through one of the corners, and onto the grass.

"Oh, god, I'm glad that didn't end up in a big crash." Jeremy says, laughing a little in what Jason assumes is relief as they watch as the Stig regains control of the car and gets back onto the track. "That would've been so expensive."

Yes, that elitist been expensive.... And Jason isn't too sure the BBC would be willing to pay out a lot of money in damages because of their stupidity. Especially so considering the show isn't exactly raking in money and isn't really that successful yet.

Early days still.... Give it time, and things may begin to change. Jason is sure that things will start to get better as time goes on, and the show is hopefully picked up for more than one series.

Things go a bit more smoother after that, and after that spin off the track, the Stig appears to be a bit more careful, while still trying to get in a good lap time in.

Thankfully, there's no more spinning off the track, much to the relief of Andy, by the looks of things, as Jason noticed him relax somewhat after the laps are finished. Clearly, he's glad that there's no paperwork and massive bills to deal with. Which there no doubt shutoff been if there ended up being a crash due to the terrible weather and wetness of the track.

And Jason is sure that if they could, they would've help off on these laps until the weather is better, but they could only get both cars to film their laps today. So they had no choice but to do the laps in the wet.

Not wanting to hang around outside in the wet for much longer, they make their way back into the portacabin. Where Richard is quick to make some tea, and they all sit around the table and go over the scripts together for tomorrow night's show.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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