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Magolor Y/n: Sorry for the wait everyone! We were all caught up in our own misadventures.

Mecha Sonic Y/n: What he said. Now then, from KoopaGhostKing59. Question for all Y/n's, Who's your favorite person in your universe? Note: you can only choose one...

Magolor Y/n: Hm... I'm gonna say Blake. She's the only person who understands me when I ramble about my various engineering exploits.

Blake: Thanks Y/n.

Mecha Sonic Y/n: ... *Deep inhale* B O I . How am I supposed to choose!? I could pick Neo because she was my first genuine friend after waking up, Ruby, literally ANYONE.

Star Dream Y/n: Shantae for me. If she didn't help me find my way around Sequin Land I would've ended up Oum knows where.

Rottytops: What, like Risky finding you first?

Star Dream Y/n: Yep.

Red Y/n: ... "NOT you."

MissingNo.: Oh come on! What've I done to warrant the level of disrespect I get all the time?

Red Y/n: "Let's see, you overloaded my PC with your "material", got me into some serious crap by possessing my body while I was asleep and having me sleep walk into the girls' locker room, then there was the time yo-"

Mecha Sonic Y/n: Red... We get that you don't like MissingNo. but could you please tone it down near Magolor and Void?

Red Y/n: "Right, sorry. Anyway... I don't know who I'd pick. Gemini, maybe. She and Gengar are the only people that understand me on a spiritual level."

Shockwave Y/n: Aqua. Plain and simple. You don't wanna know how hard it is to find a deity that likes to play Dungeons and Dragons as a hobby.

Aqua: Aw, you big softy!

Shockwave Y/n: Although... Megumin's fun to hang out with... whenever I don't have to save her from her own explosion magic going awry.

Aqua: No take-backs!

Shockwave Y/n: Who said there were?

Gaster Y/n: My... favorite?

Cinder: Yeah. Who is it? I won't get mad if you don't pick me.

Gaster Y/n: ... I... I'm gonna say Ruby. She was the only one brave enough to snap me out of that psycho rampage a while back.

Dust Y/n: Wheeljack. The guy's both a mad scientist AND a ninja. And also a demoman main.

Arcee: Fair enough.

Void Y/n: Lapis is the most fun to hang out with. And we both have wings!

Lapis: Actually... Why ARE your wings polygons? Seems like an odd shape for them.

Y/n: Beats me. It was one of my previous incarnations' ideas.

Error Y/n: well... amy's the only one polite enough to not interrupt me when i try to get some shut-eye. emphasis on "try". insomnia's a pain in the neck. wait, does different versions of the same person count? if that's the case it makes my life plenty easier since there's a bunch of different amy's. i mean, i know for a fact it ain't sonic after what he did. by the way, g. what happened to lost silver y/n? that guy's had a few universes but they never made it past a month without going "boom".

Gaster Y/n: I've been trying to help him find a new home. Right now, he lives in The Void.

Red Y/n: "Wait a second. You're telling me there's an alternate Y/n that's actually Gold? MissingNo.! Why didn't you tell me this sooner!?"

MissingNo: A, you never asked. B, If I told you, you would've had a mental snap harder than Monty after Security Breach.

Gamma: Thank you for the question, KoopaGhostKing59. Next please.

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