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Gaster Y/n: From Void-Sama To mecha (y/n): can you teach me how to spinach and dropdash

Mecha Sonic Y/n: Well I'd be happy to! First thing you need is a highly robust, yet flexible spinal column. Don't wanna end up paralyzed when you try it out after all. The actual first step is crouching down like they do in the Olympics before they go into a sprint. Then, you wanna roll up your body into a ball or sawblade esc shape like this... Rev up... and... LAUNCH!

Gaster Y/n: What about the Drop Dash?

Mecha Sonic Y/n: Oh, that's all about coordinating your movements. Since you have no ground to get a head start on, you'll need to use your mid-air momentum to build up speed. And another thing... Try not to get dizzy. Thanks for attending today's class!

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