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chapter playlist

•go the distance - johnathan young

•the sound of letting go - all time low

•creep - radiohead


•trechorous - taylor swift

"touch things i don't feel"

years later

In moments like these, Dib would think to himself, "I found the meaning of life. And she's fast."

He stomped his heel down on the accelerator of his solar surfer and propelled into the sky. Even though he has felt this feeling numerous times, it was always like he was flying for the first time.

He craved speed like most people would crave fries.

His heart began to race as the wind whipped through his hair.

The stars were calling.

And he could no longer ignore it.

"Wooohooo!" he cried. Dib's hand lightly brushed upon a body of water as he began to take greater height. He soared above houses, trees, water, and streets.

However, his chocolate brown eyes were more focused on the clouds above him, desiring to reach them more than anything. He accelerated further, reaching his hand out, hoping he could get closer.

For once, the boy felt weightless. Like he belonged up there. It was the one place where he could be himself, and believe in what he wanted to believe in.

He was on top of the world and everything was fine.

Until it suddenly wasn't.

Dib's happiness was cut short by an all too familiar sound...or rather lack thereof. The usual rev of an engine could no longer be heard.

Before Dib could even process the moment, it was followed up by a feeling he had grown accustomed to.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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