- Severe Weather Warning | Angst -

199 4 4

Words: 2866

Description: Bunch of pirates on the sea when a crazy thunder storm hits. What could possibly go wrong?

TWs: Drowning, Thalassophobia

Ships: None

Main(s): Owengejuice (Owen)

Side Main(s): Jojosolos (Jojo), ggAcho (Acho)

Other(s): Smajor (Scott), InTheLittleWood (Martyn), Krowfang (Kuervo), Bekyamon (Beky), MythicalSausage (Sausage), Roscumber (Ros), Apokuna (Apo), Soupforeloise (El),

Headcannons/Theories: p!Owen is Thalassophobiak (I think this actually might be confirmed canon. Not sure).

Told from Owen's pov


They have been sailing for at least ten minutes when the wind started picking up and shifting directions. Dark gray clouds were staring threateningly at the pirates, with the distant sound of thunder mere background music. It was common for a storm to roll into these parts of the sea, Owen knew that, the other pirates knew that. So why was there a funny feeling in her stomach?

"Smooth sailing," Acho said sarcastically from the wheel with a sigh. Jojo laughed and Owen felt himself smile.

A wave crashed against the side of the ship as small droplets pattered down on top of them.

It wasn't bad at first. Just small pitter patters against the wood and the occasional crack of thunder ahead of them.

Then the waves started to grow bigger and the rain picked up significantly, now pouring buckets on their heads. It didn't take very long until they started to lose visibility of Kuervo's ship ahead of them, and Owen could hardly hear his reply to Acho when star yelled out to them to slow down. She could hardly hear himself think.

Kuervo had stopped and headed back towards them. Now their two ships sat side by side, rocking back and forth over the waves. Owen couldn't make out the two other ships that were ahead of Kuervo's, but they were turning around now too. Kuervo must have told them to turn back.

She stared out at the unforgiving sea, secrets that have remained hidden for so many years, and that will be kept hidden for several more years. He doesn't know if he wants to uncover their depths or if he wants to remain safe on land.

Owen used the view as a distraction to try and eavesdrop on what Acho and Kuervo were talking about, but it proved to be extremely difficult over the harsh winds whipping at his hair. The conversation had turned into them shouting at each other just in order to hear the other, and Owen still couldn't hear a single word.

The ship's bow dipped as they went over another wave, and Owen saw Jojo curl in on herself a little bit out of his peripherals. He knows the Nightingale is afraid of water, which he still questions because what kind of pirate doesn't like water? However, Owen is Thalassophobiak, so she can't really say anything as his own sense of worry started to form in his stomach.

He's sailed through storms before—of course she has. What kind of pirate hasn't? But this storm seems bad. They might have to turn around and come back another day, but that would also mean raiding the cult base another day, and that's risky. They can move from island to island in minutes based off of how fast their ships are, so if they leave now they might not have another chance.

"Jojo, you'll be alright, okay? Just hold onto the ship," Owen tried to reassure through shouting. It probably didn't sound very reassuring. Cold rain hit her face and hair as the other ships fell back and were now rocking with Kuervo and Acho.

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