| III |

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Two Telmarine soldiers row down the river with the dwarf from the forest. The one looks down at him as he stares back.

"He won't stop staring" He says looking up at the other man across from him.

"So don't look." The man replies.

"Here's far enough." He says tired of the dwarf staring at him. They set down their ores and begin to lift the dwarf up so they can throw him off the boat. Then, an arrow hits the side of the boat, the Pevensies run up and draw their weapons.

Susan quickly puts another arrow to the string, "Drop him!

The dwarf looks at the children in confusion, as the soldiers drop the dwarf into the water as one grabs his crossbow and Susan plunges an arrow through his chest. The other jumps out and swims to safety. The dwarf sinks to the bottom, and Peter dives in and pulls him to shore, as Edmund pulls the boat in. Lucy cuts the dwarf's bonds with her dagger, he pulls the gag off and shoots daggers with his eyes at Susan.

"'Drop him' that is the best you can come up with?"

"A simple thank-you would suffice." Susan shot back.

"They were doing fine drowning me without your help."

"Maybe we should have let them." Sage inserts causing Edmund to raise an eyebrow.

"Why were they trying to kill you anyway?"

"They're Telmarines. That's what they do." He said shaking the water from his sleeve.

"Telmarines? In Narnia?"

"Where have you been for the last few hundred years?"

"It's a bit of a long story."

The dwarf looks at the swords in Peter's hands, "Where did you get those? Those were the Savior's."

Peter smiles down at the dwarf, "Correction. They're my wife's blades."

"Were?" Edmunds voice started to break.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me. You're it?
You're the Kings and Queens of old?"

"High King Peter.. the Magnificent."
Peter holds out his hand and the dwarf looks embarrassed for him.

"You probably could've left off the last bit." Susan says.

"Probably." He says laughing before he straightens up, "My name is Trumpkin, I serve the last remaining Narnian's in their fight to regain our home."

―✧˖° ♛ °˖✧―

Caspian, with a bandage on his head sits up and looks around the room. 'I'm in a tree.. that's a house'. He chuckles under his breath as a voice stops him.

"You said you were going to get rid of him." The voice says.

"No, I said I'd take care of him." The other chimes.

"Well, I don't think I hit him hard enough."

"Nikabrik, he's just a boy!"

"He's a Telmarine, not some lost puppy!"

"Nibabrik!" The badger says.

"Since when did we open a boarding house for Telmarine soldiers?" The dwarf scoffed at Caspian.

"I am not a soldier. I am a prince." He paused looking at the badgers features, "Prince Caspian the tenth. I've read about you."

"You've read stories about Narnia?" The badger asks.

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