Part 1

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So just to get this started, my names  L. L Braus. Im Sasha's sister. I decided to join the Cadet Corps when she did so I was naturally a part of the 104th. During those years of training I became best friends with Jean, Armin, Connie, Mikasa, Marco and the most important one of all, Kaito. Kaito is Mikasa's brother. He lived with Eren after him and Mikasa's parents were killed. He's funny, really cute, kind, and surprisingly energetic for being Mikasa's brother. He's best friends with Armin.Ever since I met him in the cadet corps I've been in love with him. I don't wanna tell him cause I'm terrified to. I just don't want him to hate me Y'know? The only people who know I'm in love with him is Sasha, connie, Armin, jean, Reiner, Eren, and Mikasa(she really wants us to get together).

I walked into the mess hall and sat at my table with my friends. I sat next to Kai .

"Hey, L!" Sasha and Mikasa yelled.

"Hey guys."

"Hey there, L." Kaito said smiling and waving.

"Hey!" I hugged him. Mikasa looked at me and winked.

"You sure you don't want me to tell him?" Mikasa said smirking.

"Mikasa! shut up!" I said while trying not to blush.

"Tell who what?"Kai said with confusion.

"NOTHING NOTHING AT ALL." I stated with embarrassment.

He chuckled. "Okay then, dumbass."

Mikasa and Sasha both laughed as I laid my head down on the table. Today is a rest day so I figured everyone can hang out today. Captain Levi walked in and spoke, "L, Hange needs you in her lab."

"Yes sir!" I stood up and saluted and began walking to Hange's lab.

I went to the barracks a few hours later to find one of my friends. I saw Jean chilling out on a couch reading.

"Hey Jean, where is everyone?"

"Oh hey, L. They are down near the pond." Jean said with a smile.

"Okay thanks!" I yelled running down to the pond. I got there and Sasha and Connie waved. Mikasa and Eren both said hi.Kaito turned around and waved with a smile. I sat with my back against a tree right next to Kai . I was really tired considering I had to help Hange wrangle the new captured titans. I started to fall asleep and my head laid on Kaito's shoulder. I was nearly asleep when Mikasa says, "just date already good god."

"H-Huh?" Kaito asked.

"She literally likes you, idiot. DATE ALREADY." Mikasa said with impatience. Oh no. Oh nononono. I'm so tired. I want to get up and yell at her but I can't.

"S-she what!?" He's weirded out... I knew it. That's why I didn't want Mikasa to say anything.

Sasha spat out her food and yelled, "Mikasa! She said not to tell him!" Kai pushed me off his shoulder onto the tree evenly and carefully.

I heard him get up and walk away.

"Where are you going?" Sasha asked him. I didn't get to hear what he said. That's when I fully fell asleep.

I woke up the next day in the barracks. I sat up and looked at Sasha's bed. She was eating and talking to Mikasa like usual.

"Oh! Good Morning, L!" Sasha yelled excitedly.

"Morning, L!" Mikasa yelled.

I narrowed my eyes and looked at Mikasa. "Why did you tell him?"

She looked a bit surprised.


"You told Kaito. I heard it I just was so tired I couldn't open my eyes."

"... I'm sorry L you fell asleep on his shoulder and it looked so cute... I didn't mean to say it..." I got up and sighed. I walked over to her and hugged her.

"It's okay... I just didn't hear why he walked away."

Sasha and Mikasa exchanged looks.

"Maybe it's best if you didn't know..." Sasha spoke quietly. This scared me.

"C-can we get to breakfast now? Please?" I said with worry in my


"YES!" Sasha yelled as she scrambled to get up and get dressed.

We all got dressed and walked to the mess hall. I didn't see Kaito at our usual table. He was at the table with his best friend Ray and a girl we knew. Harry. We walked to our table and I saw him look at me. I went to wave but he looked away before I could. Armin looked worried cause he didn't know what was happening since he was helping the commander make plans for the next mission and wasn't with us last night.

Connie patted me on the back, "you alright?" 

"Sure." I laid my head on the table.

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