Part 8

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I sat on Kaito's bed and he sat next to me. I put my face in my hand to just think about the events of that day.

"I'm so tired anymore. I miss the cadet corps. Everything was so much easier back then." I said.

"I know. I miss it too. Why don't you get some sleep? I'll stay with you." He said. We layed down. Me trying to fall asleep didn't help. I just kept seein' Sasha. Me and Kaito sat up just started venting to each other.

"Honestly, why couldn't Eren have just stayed home with Mikasa and us? He just went and made everything more difficult for us." He asked.

"I don't know. Mikasa's gettin' worse and worse everyday. I see how it affects you too. I know he means a lot to you." I said. He sighed and I held his hand.

"How do you still love me at this point?" He asked me.

"'Cause you are my favorite person i've ever met, you have the best personality, and frankly your the only person who cares about what I say. I'm just really fuckin' in love with you man." I said. He looked down and looked a little sad.

"L, you are literally an amazing person. I love you too but... it's not the same. I don't think I can do this anymore." He said. I had a feeling this was coming honestly. I sighed.


"I'm really sorry. but I just can't handle
this right now." He stated. I nodded and got up.

"Don't worry about it, dude. I get it."

"Hey... you're always gonna be my best friend. I'll always be here when you need me." He said.

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow then."
I walked to my room. Levi and Hange walked past me and noticed that I was in an even worse mood than earlier.

"L? Are you okay?" Levi asked.

"I'm fine." I said

"Jean, Mikasa and Armin Are eating dinner right now if you want to go get some." Hange said.

"Thanks but I'm okay. I'm just gonna go to sleep." I said and went into my room. I walked to my shelf and got a ring that Sasha made for me forever ago out of wood. It broke before the trip. She said she would finish making me a new one when we got back. I walked to her part of the room and picked up the piece of wood she was carving. The shape of the ring that our grandad had forever ago. I heard a knock on my door. I opened it a few inches. It was Mikasa. I opened the door all the way.

"Hi, Mikasa."

"Hey. Can I come in?" She asked. I moved out of the way of the door and she walked in. I closed my door after she walked in. She hugged me.

"How are you holding up?" She questioned.

"Um. I'm fine. A little hard bein' in this room." I said. She nodded. She saw Sasha's bow and touched it for a second. She sighed.

"I figured Kai would be with you." She said.

"Oh. Well um... we're broke up with me." I just looked down.

"Oh. He... L, I'm so sorry." She said while rubbing her neck.

"It's... fine. I'm gonna go see those kids for a little bit. I'm sorry for not really contributing to anything since we've been back." I said and walked out of my room.

"L..." she said. I walked through the dining area to get to the jail area. Jean saw me and pulled the chair out next to him, expecting me to sit there.

"I'm just passing through here. Sorry Jean." I said. Armin looked worried.

"You're not gonna eat?" He asked me.
I shook my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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