Part 2

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After training and stuff we went to hang out down by the pond again. I sat near the water alone. Everyone else stayed by the tree. I could hear them faintly talking about me worriedly. I walked up to them. "I'm gonna go to the barracks to get some sleep you guys. See y'all tomorrow." I walked near the barracks but I figured I'd go stop by Hange's lab first.

Before I turned the corner I heard two voices.

"Why do you hang out with L more than me?"

"Because she's my best friend. I sat with you this morning like you wanted. Why are you still upset? I've avoided her all day because of you."

"I don't care. I want you to stop talking to her."

"What? No."

I walked around the corner to get to Hange's lab to avoid listening to the rest of their conversation.

I looked at them and Kai seemed a little worried. Harry looked pissed to see me and turned back to him and kissed him. Their dating. Of course. I'm so stupid. I turned back around and ran back to the pond with tears in my eyes to go see everyone.

"Mikasa, he has a girlfriend? Why didn't you tell me?"

"W-we didn't know until he told us yesterday-" I walked away before Mikasa could finish. I ran into the barracks and laid in my bed crying. I heard the door open and someone walk in. It was Harry.

"Hey loser. Stay away from Kaito. Or I'll kill you. I mean it." She then walked back out. God I hate her. The three of us used to be great friends then she started hating me and I guess I now know why.

I've been avoiding him for the past week cause I don't wanna cause him and Harry any problems.

"L? Are you okay sis? You've barely talked all week." Sasha said.

"Mhm... I'm perfectly fine." I said looking down.

"I know Hange is like a mom to you, but she can't keep giving the captain excuses to get you out of training so you don't have to see Kaito."

"Yes she can."

Sasha sighed."You're not always gonna be able to avoid him. You have to go on the next expedition, in a month, which he's gonna be on and the higher ups aren't gonna let you skip that. Your one of the best scouts, L."

"I'm not just avoiding him. I'm avoiding Harry too. The girl threatened me. Plus if they are together than I shouldn't be around him.That's gonna be hard for me but I love him so much that I have to do it."


"Sasha please."


"And I know that I'm gonna have to see him on the next expedition... that's what I'm scared of..."

Later that day I decided I'd go to training again. First thing I saw when I walked there was him. He turned and looked at me and waved. I ignored him and stood by Connie and Sasha. He looked really disappointed. I feel really bad... I of course still am in love with him but... I need to avoid him. He has a girlfriend.

After training I was talking with Mikasa on the way to the mess hall when I heard a really annoying voice.

"Why are you still around my boyfriend? I told you to stay away."  I know that voice. It was Harry . I turned around and felt myself get punched. I fell into the ground and grabbed my nose. It started bleeding.

Mikasa got angry, "What makes you think you can do that?! She's been avoiding him all week because of what you said to her!"

Kai was behind everyone a minute ago... where did he go? I heard a yelp and I looked up at Harry . Her arms were twisted around her back. Kaito was standing behind her.

"Fucking leave her alone. I don't know what you said to her but if it's the reason she's been avoiding me I'm not gonna date you anymore. We're done." As he finished his words he pushed her down away from me and picked me up and brought me to the medical station to help my nose.

"Are you alright?" He asked while pushing my hair out of my face and wiping the blood off my face.

I blushed a little. "I-I'm fine... thank you..."

"Good, good. So uh- Mikasa said that you uh- liked me. Is- is that true?" He said getting a little red.

"Uh- yes... I know it's weird...-"

"Nononononono it's not weird! I j-Just wanted to m-make sure.."

"M-make sure? W-why?"

"C-Cause I like you too..."

"Y-you do?"

"Y-yeah..I started dating her cause I was forced to by Krista (war flashbacks)..." he put a bandage on my nose and I hugged him.

"I'm sorry I avoided you all week..."

"I-it's okay... h-hey I gotta question..."

"Hm?"i looked up at him.

"D-do you uh- want to be my girlfriend?"

"I'd love too." I hugged him again.

"YES!!" I heard two voices shout. We looked over and it was Sasha and Mikasa. Those dummies followed us.

"Finally!!" Mikasa yelled.

Me and Kaito blushed.

He looked at me and whispered, "Do you wanna go hang out by

the pond?" I nodded and he grabbed my hand and we walked off.

We went and sat down by the tree. He put his arm around me.

"I'm sorry for just leaving when you fell asleep on my shoulder the other day. I won't do it again I promise."

I laid my head on his shoulder. "Good." I said.

He laughed.I put my hand on his and smiled.

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