Part 5

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After the expedition and shit. Kaito was with Armin and Jean and Reiner. I was with Levi's (now non-existent) squad. Yeehaw female titan mission.back at the barracks.

We had just gotten back when I saw my boyfriend. He had a broken arm and a cut on his lip. I couldn't say too much though I got a new scar on my face, on my right eye. Hange made me glasses since mine broke after the female titan thing snapped my odm gear and I hit my face on a (not at all rotten) branch.

I sat next to him. "What happened to us bein' careful?" I asked.

He laughed, "I WAS being careful but then Jean thought he was super cool or something. I had to save his dumb ass."

"Of course. You okay other than your arm?"

"Yeah. What happened to your eye?"

"I smacked a branch after the titan thing broke my gear while I was in midair."

"Yikes." That made me laugh. I hugged him while being careful not to hurt his arm.

"I love you." I kissed him and he was kinda flustered but smiled.

"I love you too."

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