24 - Asani

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As we lounge around, my aunt Evelyn cooks dinner while Zayne's missing doing whatever the fuck he wants. I don't care as long as he isn't in my face.

Dakota walks downstairs, rubbing her eyes from her nap she just woke up from. She walks down the stairs of the living room and up to me.

"Hey baby." I say with a smile.

"Hi." she says sleepily. "I didn't mean to sleep so long, I'm just really tired."

"It's fine, I know how much you need it. You hungry? Ev's finishing up the food."

"Very." she says. "It smells like heaven in here."

"Let me go get you a plate." I say, kissing her forehead. "Don't move.". I get up and I walk into the kitchen, kissing my aunt on her forehead. "Smells really good in here."

"Thank you. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I was just coming in here to get Koda a plate. Thanks for making us dinner."

"Of course. I know how much you missed it."

"I've missed you. For so long, I wondered where the last of my family was. After I lost mom and dad, I was so lost. Alone. Then you left, and I really had nobody. I'm glad you told me where you went after all these years. Gave me some clarity."

"I know. I shouldn't have left, I'm so sorry Asani."

"Tía, we've talked about this."

"I know, but it doesn't lessen the guilt." she says, looking down.

"Hey." I say, kissing her cheek again. "Let me help get the food out." I say, grabbing plates and utensils. She fixes everyone's plates, and I sit them on the table before I call Dakota to the table, setting out glasses for drinks.

She comes to the table just as Zayne comes walking around the corner looking around with that stupid smirk on his face.

We all sit around the table getting ready to eat. I kiss Dakota's temple, checking on her to make sure there's nothing she needs and there isn't, so we all start to eat.

"Mm... Evelyn, this is amazing." Dakota says, her cheeks already full of food.

"It's a family favorite, I'm happy you like it."

"This definitely doesn't get old, it tastes just as good as it used to, Ev." I say, nodding my head.

"Zayne? How is it?" she asks.

"It's great ma, like always." he says shortly.

"So what's happening within the business right now?"

"She knows, Ev." I say, looking up to her.

"Ma, let's let's not talk about this right now-"

"Estoy tratando de hablar, no me interrumpas!" she says angrily and he pauses, continuing to eat his food.
[I'm trying to speak, don't interrupt me!]

"Right now, we're at war with the Russians. The Русская бойня."
Russian: [Russian Carnage]

"Isn't that Nikolai Ivanov's people?"

"Yeah, it is." Zayne says, looking up at me. "I'm sure you wanna know what this idiot did to piss them off. I heard all about it."

"It was my fault." Dakota says defensively. Zayne scoffs, rolling his eyes. "If anyone is to blame it's me. Asani killed him because he was protecting me. I'm the reason this is happening, but I promise you we've been doing everything we can to put this feud to rest." she says, staring holes into Zayne's face. Her eyes flick to Evelyn's and she maintains eye contact as the kitchen sits silently.

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