Part Nine

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Donna woke up as she immediately realized today is her birthday and she smiled so excitedly. She got out of bed and she went to the bathroom as she got ready.

After few minutes
Donna went straight to the kitchen as she saw Chris making breakfast and said as she smiled and "Hi dad!! You're home!!" and Chris replied as he smiled "Of course it's your birthday. I've never missed it, my baby girl.... By the way happy birthday!!" and he hugged her and Donna hugged him as she  replied smiling "Thank you" and Chris replied as he gave her a box and smiled "Here, it's for you" and Donna smiled as she opened the box and she looked suprised as she saw a Midnight blue dress with sleeves and free accessories like purple earrings and necklace and said as she smiled "Dad..... It's beautiful, thank you" and Chris replied as he smiled "You're always welcome, princess" and Donna looked around for Liam and asked "Uh... Dad, have you seen Liam?" and Chris replied as he smiled "He went out for something. Don't worry, he'll be back" and Donna nodded as she gave him a small smile.

Donna went inside the coffee shop and Isa, Paul and Seb screamed together "Happy birthday, Donna!!!" and Donna looked surprised as she covered her mouth and smiled and Isa went to her as she hugged Donna and said smiling "Happy birthday, Donna" and Donna replied as she smiled back at her "Thank you" and Paul said smiling "Happy birthday, Donna" and Donna replied as she smiled "Thank you" and Sebastian said as he smiled and gave her a little box "Hey, happy birthday. Here" and Donna replied smiling "Aww, thank you Seb but you didn't have to" and she opened the box as she saw a purple and white pearl bracelet with a dark purple heart and replied smiling "I love it. You know me so well" and Sebastian replied as he smiled at her like he's in love "You're welcome" and Isabelle whispered on Paul's ear as she smiled "I knew it. He's in love with her but I'm in team Liam" and Paul smiled back at her as he wrapped his arms around her waist and Isa replied "Let's celebrate, guys" and they started to celebrate and eat🎉.

After few minutes
Donna cleaned up the table and also washed the dishes when suddenly Sebastian came up to her as he said smiling "Hey...."  and Donna replied still washing the dishes "Oh hey Seb, what's up?" and Sebastian replied as he looked nervous "I... Uh... Um... I.. I need to tell you something" and Donna replied as she smiled "Sure, go ahead" and Donna turned around as she looked at him and Sebastian replied "Uh... Well,..... I like you" and Donna looked surprised😱 as she replied "What?" and Sebastian replied as he looked deeply into her eyes "I've been in love with you ever since we met and I have no idea how to tell you. I'm just waiting for the right time so I think this is it.... on your birthday.... I just wanted you to know that I love you and I'm ready to give you everything and anything you want" and Donna replied as she looked down sad "Seb?" and Sebastian replied as he looked at her "Hmm?" and Donna replied as she looked at him with tears in her eyes "I'm sorry, Seb but I'm in love with someone else" and Sebastian asked as he looked hurt "Who?" and Donna would never wanted to hurt Sebastian because he's her best friend and like a big brother to her so she decided not to tell him then five minutes later, Sebastian realized who she really loved as he asked "Oh.... It's Liam, isn't it?" and Donna looked up at him suprised as she nodded and Sebastian nodded sadly and replied "It's okay. I know that from the beginning but if he hurt you or left you like he did before, I will beat him up" and Donna smiled as she hugged him and replied "Thank you, Seb" and Sebastian replied as he smiled fakely "You're welcome. Go get that guy from your dreams" and Donna nodded as she smiled and left and Sebastian took a deep breath as he watched her leave.

At night🌃 (11: 30pm)
Donna went to bed as she sat down listening to the music when suddenly she got a text message from Liam saying:

"Meet me at midnight in the lake❤️. I have a surprise for you. Love, Lili"

Donna looked so confused and then she quickly got out of bed and she went to the bathroom to get ready.

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