Chapter Thirteen

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Liam and Donna arrived in the restaurant while holding each other's hands and Liam noticed that Donna was nervous so he held her tight as he asked "Hey love, are you OK?" and Donna said nervously as she smiled fakely "I'm fine Li" and Liam asked her again as he looked into her eyes making sure she was fine "Are you sure?" and Donna said as she smiled fakely "Yeah.. Yeah I'm fine" and Liam replied as he smiled kissing her cheek "Okay let's get inside" and they went to the table where the boys were and the boys immediately stood up as they saw her and smiled at her and Liam said smiling as he held her close "Hey mates, I would like you to meet my girlfriend Donna" and Donna said nervously as she waved at her "Hi" and the boys immediately held their hands out for a handshake as they replied smiling "Nice to meet you Donna" and Donna grabbed Lucas' hand as she shook his hand and Lucas said as he smiled cheeky "Hi I'm Lucas, the oldest member of the band and the funniest one" and Donna replied as she smiled "Nice to meet you" and Hardin took her hand as he kissed it and said "I'm Hardin, the youngest member of the band and the flirty one" and Donna replied as she took her hand quickly "Nice to meet you Hardin but my heart only belongs to Liam" and Liam smiled and Hardin replied "Ouch!" and Donna went to the blonde guy as she smiled and replied "You must be Nick, right? The chef one and the one who's always hungry?" and Nick replied smiling as he held his hand out "Yeah, nice to meet you, Donna" and Donna replied as she shook his hand smiling "Nice to meet you too, Nick." and she went to the black haired guy who's already smiling at her as she smiled and replied "Hi you're Zed , right? Liam's best friend?" and Zed replied as he smiled "Yes that's me and you're the girl Liam always talked about" and Donna turned around to look at Liam, who was blushing and she smiled thinking he's cute and Donna replied "Well.... I guess that's me.... Nice to meet you, Zed" and Lucas replied as he smiled "Okay let's sit down and order" and then they all sat down and ordered some food to eat.

After few minutes
Everyone's talking to each other about some random things eating their food and then Hardin asked Liam "What about Danica, Liam? You still love her, right? " and Donna looked so confused as she asked "Who is Danica?" and Liam said as he looked at her "She's my ex girlfriend" and Donna looked so shock, couldn't believe he never told her that he had an ex girlfriend and asked "Why didn't you tell me?" and Liam said as he looked down "Because if I told you, you would be mad and I thought it doesn't matter anymore " and Donna replied as a tear started to fall "I thought I'm the first girl you love" and Liam replied as he looked at her and held her cheek "You are, Donna. You're the first girl I love since we were little.... When I already moved to London, I always thought about you every single day and every single night. My manager said I had to forget you for a while because it distracted me then..... I met Danica" and Donna replied "Then you started dating?" and Liam nodded as he replied "Yes but I.... After 6 months, I realized that you're the girl I want to be with forever and the girl I've been dreaming of." and Donna started sobbing as she replied "That's why you came back for me" and Liam nodded as he wiped her tears with his thumb and replied "It's okay... I'm here now shh" and he pulled her closer to him as he put his chin on her head and rubbed her back and Donna hugged him then the boys started clapping and Zach whispered as he smiled "He found his true love"❤️.

Liam and Donna went inside the house and Donna stepped on the stairs and Liam asked "Can we have a lazy day?" and Donna turned around to look at her boyfriend who's smiling as she said smiling back at him "Yes, Li, I would love that.... I gotta go change my clothes, be right back" and Liam replied as he smiled "Okay I'll be right here waiting for you" and Donna smiled as she went upstairs to change.

Liam and Donna made some snacks🍪🍡🥓🥪🍹🍹 for their lazy day and few minutes later, they went to the living room as they both sat down on the couch and started to watch movies. In the middle of the movie, Liam looked down at Donna who was eating cookies as he whispered on her ear smiling "I love you" and Donna smiled as she looked up at him and whispered "I love you too, Li" and then they both lean in closer  and closer then they started kissing each other and 6 minutes later, they pulled out and they smiled at each other as they continued to watch the movie🎥 and cuddle with each other❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍😍.

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