Chapter Eighteen

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Donna sat down on the kitchen counter waiting for cookies to bake when suddenly there's a knock on the front door and she said as she put her phone on the counter "Coming!!" and she went straight to the hallway as she opened up the door and she saw a very wet Liam standing in front of her and Liam said as he smiled "Hi" and Donna replied as she looked into his eyes "Hi, what are you doing here?" and Liam replied as  he felt so cold and he looked into her eyes "I.. Came.... Back..... For... You..." and Donna replied as she stepped back "Come in" and Liam replied as he went inside and smelled the cookies "Thank you. Are you baking cookies? " and he smiled as he looked at her and Donna replied as she looked at him "Yes I am" and Liam smiled at her and Donna touched his head as she said "I think you're having a fever. Come on" and she took his hand as she went to the living room and replied "You lay down here. I'll get you some warm clothes" and she went upstairs to get some old clothes from her dad's closet❤️.

After few minutes
Donna made a chicken soup for Liam while Liam was laying on the couch trying to warm up his body and then Donna went to him as she shook his shoulder softly and said "Liam? The soup is ready" and Liam slowly sat up as he looked at her and smiled sadly and Donna asked as she grabbed a spoon and put it on the soup "Can you open your mouth?" and Liam shook his head scared cause he was afraid of spoons and Donna said as she held the spoon with the soup and looked at him sadly "Please? For me?" and Liam nodded as he looked back at her and Donna started feeding him the chicken soup🐔 she made for him.

Every time Liam threw up, Donna was there to help him cause she still had a love and care for him. She helped him change his wet clothes to her dad's old warm clothes cause it was hard for Liam to change since it's raining🌧️ and cold so she helped him❤️.

At night 🌃
Donna covered Liam's body to warm up as she gave him a medicine and water and Liam drank both of them as he put the glass on the table and lay down and Donna was about to leave but Liam held her hand as he asked "Can you stay?" and Donna looked at him and Liam said sadly "Please?" and Donna replied as she nodded "Okay" and she sat down beside him and Liam replied as he looked into her eyes "Look, I know.... You're mad at me because of what I have done. I left because my manager told me that I had a new album photoshoot and I swear I didn't mean to leave you" and Donna replied as tears started to fall down on her cheek "Why didn't you tell me about that? I'm your best friend and now your girlfriend and you're supposed to tell me everything" and Liam replied as he looked down "If I tell you, you would be mad or worse, hate me. But If I don't leave, the management and the fans would blame you and I don't want to let that happen, okay? " and Donna replied as she took a deep breath "Liam, I'm not mad at you for that. I'm mad about leaving, okay? You left me two times, Liam!! Two times!! Without saying anything to me! I don't want to let that happen again! I really don't want people I love to leave me!! I lost my mom, Hunter and then you, Liam!! I don't wanna lose you" and she started sobbing as she covered her face and Liam replied as he went close to her and hugged her "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for leaving you. I promise I will never ever leave you again and stay with you forever" and Donna hugged him tight as she cried😭😢 and Liam kept apologizing to her while he hugged her and rubbed her back ❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋.

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