Chapter Twenty (LAST PART)

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Liam pulled over at the park as he said smiling "We're here" and Donna asked as she looked so confused "Uh, where are we?" and Liam took off the seat belt as he smiled and said "You'll see" and he winked at her as he got out of the car and Donna looked at him still confused as she got out of the car and started following him and then she saw a willow tree in front of the lake as she looked so surprised, realizing they're in the place where they had a first kiss together and the tree was full of LAVENDER flowers around the ground and she turned around to look at Liam, who's smiling sweetly at her and Donna asked suprisely "You did... This for me?" and Liam said as he smiled "Yes, and actually your friends helped me with the decorations included Sebastian. We're okay now. We're like best friends" and Donna replied as she smiled "That's a great thing that you guys are friends now after everything that happened" and Liam replied as he smiled big "Yeah, now let's go" and he held her hand as they walked over to the tree and sat down.

After few minutes
Liam and Donna talked happily while eating the delicious foods that Sebastian made for them when suddenly Liam's phone started ringing and Donna looked at him as she took a deep breath and Liam looked at her smiling and put the phone on silent as he kissed her forehead and Donna smiled to herself, thinking she was the happiest girl ever in the whole world. Meanwhile, Liam  said as he smiled "You know what..." and Donna looked at him while eating strawberries as she replied "Hmm?" and Liam replied as he smiled holding her hand "You're all I think about when I was with the other girls" and Donna asked as she stopped eating and smiled back "Why me?" and Liam said "Because I've been in love with you since we were 8 years old. Remember when we stole your sister's doll and ran away because she was going to chase us?" and Donna replied as she smiled and laughed "Oh my Gosh! Yeah I remembered and she got mad at us and then she ran after us" and Liam replied as he chuckled "Yeah and she pushed us into the ground and then you landed on top of me then..... I fell....." and Donna replied as she smiled "You fell in love with me" and Liam replied as he smiled "Yeah.... Wait, how do you know that?" and Donna replied as she smiled and took a deep breath "Well I feel the same way but I didn't tell you because I was scared that you might not feel the way I do" and Liam replied as he smiled and held her hand "Love, I know what it feels like but don't be afraid to tell me because I'm not gonna be mad or reject you, okay?" and Donna replied as she looked into his eyes "But I thought you only liked girls with curly hair" and Liam replied as he smiled "Well I guess.... I fell in love with a girl who has a long shiny wavy hair and I've loved her since we were 8" and Donna smiled at him and Liam smiled as he stood up and asked as he held his hand out "May I have this dance?" and Donna asked "Right now?" and Liam said in his Wolverhampton accent as he smiled "Yeah, right now" and Donna replied as she held his hand "Okay" and Liam helped her up as he smiled and he played a song called "Little Things" and he said as he put her arms around his neck "You gotta put your arms around me and then I put mine around your waist" and he put his arms around her waist as he smiled and replied "Eyes on mine, okay?" and Donna nodded as she smiled at him as they started dancing with each other🌧️💋.

Everytime when they looked into each other's eyes, they fell in love and they felt like they were the only one in the world and no one could ever stop them from being in love with each other all over again. But for me, it's a true love between Liam and Donna because they have known each other for a very long time since they were kids and they fell in love at such a young age and there were nothing people could do to stop them❤️.

Liam said as he smiled looking into his eyes "Love?" and Donna replied as she smiled back "Yes Li?" and Liam asked as he smiled and held a purple promise ring out "Will you take this promise ring and be my girlfriend again?" and then tears of joy started to fall down on Donna's cheek as she nodded smiling and Liam smiled back at her as he put the ring on her fourth finger and they both hugged each other and then they pulled out as Liam touched her cheek and kissed her forehead as he whispered "I love you Donna Lynn Barclay" and Donna whispered back as she smiled "I love you too, Liam James Wayne" and soon they leaned in and kissed each other as the rain started to fall and they immediately pulled away as they chuckled and giggled. Liam said as he smirked at her and touched Donna's arm "Tag! You're it!!" and he ran away and Donna replied as she smiled "Hey, not fair!!!" and then she chased him around the beautiful forest even though it's raining🌧️🌧️🌧️🌧️💋💋💋💋.

☀️🌧️☀️🌧️☀️THE END☀️🌧️☀️🌧️☀️

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