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Elina couldn't sleep. The revelations from the last few hours making her toss.

Two of the Guardians were missing?

The sickness was affecting more than just the Magic Meadow?

And did the fairy from the summer moon celebration really want to see her again?

She turned outward and saw Bibble curled up on his own bed. Trilling and whistling even in his sleep. She smiled softly. Then sat up in surprise when Azura rounded the corner.

"You're still awake?" The Guardian asked in a low voice, floating towards the guest bedroom.

Elina smiled ruefully "I'm tired enough to sleep for a week but I can't seem to rest. And you?"

"I had just a few more things to take care of before my trip tomorrow"

Elina hesitated "I meant to ask earlier but....the fairy I met at the festival. What's his name?"

Azura let out a short laugh. "He didn't even introduce himself? My you two got to work fast. No beating around the bush. Though a do respect a woman that gets straight to the point" Elina's blush was apparent even in the dim moonlight.

Though she was fun to tease Azura took pity on her "Lavan. His name is Lavan"

Elina reeled back in shock "Lavan as in the Enchantress's twin brother!? I thought he was a myth"

Azura chuckled "Oh I think you yourself can attest that he's very real. And as foolish and ridiculous as our Enchantress is loving"

"The Enchantress's brother and I....we..." she swallowed hard, likely working her way through the implications of that revelation.

"Indeed" Azura said brightly "But not to worry. He is the honorable type and is hard at work to help us cure the sickness and find the lost Guardians. I'm supposed to meet him at the Rainbow Palace in a few days time. If you'd like to accompany me...."

Elina looked terrified at the very thought. But she sat up straighter and squared her shoulders "I suppose it would only be right. I left him at the festival so I really should seek him out. To apologize at least"

Azura nodded "Very good. But first I'd like to ask a favor of you"

"Anything" Elina declared.

Azura unclasped her necklace and offered it.

"Oh, it's lovely. But, I can't take this"

"It's just for a little while. It's very precious to me and I want someone I trust to hang onto it for the next few days"

"And you want to give it to me?!"

"Are we friends now Elina?"

The younger fairy's mouth dropped open in surprise. Then she closed it, her eyes looking just a bit glassy with tears. "Yes, yes we're friends" her voice was a shade huskier than it had been a moment before.

Azura chuckled and clasped the necklace around her neck. "Then I'm trusting you as a friend to hold onto this for me. If anything were to happen to me ensure this gets to Lavan. I'm sure you'll see him sooner rather than later. He should be able to work out why I gave it to you"

Elina nodded resolutely. The rainbow in her eyes twinkling just slightly in the moonlight.

"Have a good night Elina"

"Good night Azura"


It was probably a few hours later when Azura's worried voice dragged Elina from a dreamless sleep.

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