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Larkspur woke Elina up with a gust of wind at the crack of dawn. Elina sat up and scrubbed at her eyes. She watched the sylph solidify and gave her a smile in greeting. She looked down to see Lavan was still holding her hand, but was fast asleep.

Bibble had slept on her other side. He was still curled into a furry ball.

She gently pulled her hand from Lavan's and stepped out of the sunflower hut. Larkspur's eyes were wide and dreamy, her smile just a bit impish.

"Did you two, uh, sleep well?" The sylph asked.

Elina blushed slightly "He fell asleep before me. I think he's more tired than he lets on. Let's stay quiet and let him rest"

They moved a bit further away from the shelter so their voices wouldn't carry. Pyrrah was sleeping with the feathers at the end of one wing still resting in the water. Her sides moving evenly with her sleep. The morning sunlight glinted on the pinkish feathers along her back. Elina patted her side and she hummed softly.

"You really arent scared at all are ya?" Larkspur asked.

Elina gave her a quizzical smile "Should I be scared? Pyrrah's been nothing but kind to me so far"

Larkspur shook her head "Not just Pyrrah" she rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet. Like standing still was a struggle. "I mean all of us. Most fairies would be a little scared of me. Most say Im a wind spirit that carries off young fairies into the mountains"

Elina chuckled "You don't do you?"

Larkspur snorted "Of course not. But most fairies assume. It's the same with Lord Lavan. They get scared before they even know him. And he aint too good at putting folks at ease"

This made Elina sigh "I think I noticed that"

"Being around us dark fae doesn't bother you at all?"

Elina shook her head "You're my friends now. Even if you do frighten me sometimes I'll still be on your side"

Larkspur bounced with happiness at that "Friends?"

"Of course we're friends. Also, if standing still like that is uncomfortable don't feel like you cant move around on my account"

Larkspur's eyes went wide "Really? You wouldn't mind if I flew around while we talk? Most fairies get annoyed when I don't stay still and solid while they're talking to me"

Elina gave her a reassuring pat, she was just too cute "Just be comfortable. I can adjust to whatever works for you. So long as you don't mind being near the ground while we talk"

Larkspur grinned and turned into a misty cloud. Her voice was more like the howling of a windstorm when she poke next "I see why he likes you. You're real nice"

Elina let her eye settle on the center of the cloud. Since there was no face to focus on "If you mean Lavan, I like him too. He's very nice. Even if most people don't notice"

Larkspur giggled, even though it sounded like puffs of wind against a roof.

They passed a good hour talking before Bibble's trill echoed across the pond. Elina circled back and giggled in surprise.

With Elina gone Bibble had worked his way over to Lavan and snuggled up on top of his chest. When he'd woken up and realized Elina wasn't near he'd screeched in surprise. Lavan had both his ears covered and was looking at Bibble with an annoyed expression.

"Elina" he said in a scratchy voice "Can you tell your puffball that he can calm down and not bust out my eardrums?"

"Bibble! Be polite" Elina admonished lightly. Though she couldn't help the traces of laughter in her voice. Bibble zipped towards her and plowed straight into her chest. A grumbling noise coming from his little frame.

She patted him gently and watched the fairy lord crawl out of the shelter. Still looking half asleep.

"I take it you're not a morning person?" She asked.

"Usually I'm ambivalent. But flying through all the toxins in the air has been giving me a headache. I'll probably struggle to fly on my own today" he stood and cracked his back, flexing his wings as he did so. They did look a bit wilted and discolored.

"Why hasn't the poison been affecting Pyrrah. Or Larkspur for that matter?"

The wind spirit whistled in amusement "I don't know if you noticed ma'am. But I dont have wings any more than you do" Elina smiled at her in acknowledgment.

Lavan grunted in affirmation "And firebirds aren't susceptible to the same poisons fairies are. She can fly through a cloud of the stuff just fine. She'll only struggle to fly at night when she cant get energy from the sun" he looked at Larkspur.

"How are the other Guardians?" The wind spirit whirled for a moment.

"Bad news, Lord Lavan. Guardian Emeraldo and Guardian Amethyst have gone missing"

Lavan growled "That leaves Saphirette and Tourmaline still free"

"How can she capture so many of the Guardians so quickly?" Elina asked in dismay.

Lavan shrugged "Dalhia's forces are strong. Which means we'll have to be careful" he looked to Larkspur "The good news is we're in Tourmaline's territory now. Warn her about the missing Guardians and tell her to take cover. The last thing we need is another Guardian taken"

"And Guardian Saphirette?"

"Head to the Blue Ridges and warn her too. Gather as many other sylphs as you can find and ask them to keep an eye out. I know they have their own business but this is a crisis"

"I passed a few on my way here. They're just as worried about what's going on in Fairytopia as we are. Im sure they'll be willing to lend a gust"

He nodded. "Get to it. We'll be at the Rambling Redwoods by nightfall"

"Thats a bit far. Are you sure Pyrrah can make that?"

His answering smile was grim "I know a shortcut. We'll cut through the Crystal Cove"

Larkspur tisked "Mermaid territory? Yuck. Well Im sure Pyrrah will love being that close to the coast"

She gathered speed and began to take off "Stay safe you two" she swished before she was gone.

Elina gave the fairy lord a once over "Are you sure you slept enough? Now I regret keeping you up so late"

He snorted once and stepped closer, tugging on a strand of her hair that had come loose.

"Teaching you magic matters more to me than an extra hour of sleep. Plus, we need to get going we've got a lot of ground to cover. And Pyrrah will lie there half floating in water all day unless we wake her"

Elina touched his wrist, still giving him her best critical gaze. She decided she'd keep an eye on him and encourage him to sleep as they flew.

He lifted a hand to his lips and made a long shrill whistle that made Pyrrah raise her large pointy head and coo at him.

Time to fly again. Despite having hours of it the day prior. She was already excited to be up in the air.

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