Neuvillette ꧁court punishment꧂

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spicy oooh this is written before i really know a lot about neuvillette's character and personality so it might not be very accurate to people and myself reading this after 4.0 comes out oopsie but anyways enjoy it babes. this was a request btw

"if you don't speak, we'll be taking this to my personal quarters until i get clear answers..."

ohhh it was to sit there in court and patiently wait for your case to be determined as not-guilty. the looks people shared were the best to you, but you really loved to look at the judges face when he couldn't find any evidence to actually use against you. the white and blue haired chief of justice would scowl, but not speak since he wouldn't be able to say anything either. you were crafty and careful. those two things made you innocent every time.

but then begs the question, why were you caught so many times? well, you had done things that made you look suspicious on purpose like pretending to steal or something small like that. people would shout and point to you, so the guards nearby would take you to court. but why? to get the chance to set your eyes on the gorgeous man that gazed down on you from his lofty seat.

actually, you were indeed a very infamous thief in fontaine. precious artifacts and jewels were hidden carefully by you in your secret treasury. the first time you came by the court to see a hearing you didn't really expect anything, you were simply curios as to how they worked and wanted to see one while being hidden somewhere in the facility. that's when you heard the most gorgeous voice echo through the room. you looked at the big chair on top overlooking the court, and on top sitting with his legs crossed was the most beautiful man you had ever seen.

love at first sight. and oh you just loved how his cheeks would slightly redden when you blew a soft kiss to him from where you were standing in chains. you wanted him so badly. more than any piece of art or amount of money. you wanted him to corner you on the wall and passionately-

someone grabbed your shoulder once the judge had finished speaking, shaking you out of your stare with the chief. everyone was leaving the court while a guard took you into a quiet hallway in the court house. when the guard let go of your arm, you turned around to give them a nasty look for gripping you so harshly. the guard paid no mind to your glare and bowed to something ahead of you. you turned back around to see a tall built man who you knew very well.

"leave us. i'm going to have a word with her." he waved his hand in dismissal.

"maybe more than a word?" you chirped in and walked closely to him. "you've never come to see me personally~ but i like this. will you be doing this every trial from now on?"

"quiet. i will speak, and you will listen yes? good, now walk with me."

you quickly took strides to get by his side and try to touch his hair.


"sorry~ i'm just so used to touching things i want~" you smile at him through playful eyes.

he looked at you through his peripheral but continued walking. you took your sweet time flirting with him all the way down the large hallway. his face remained motionless and only slightly moved at some comments made by you. neuvillette kept his face turned from you so you couldn't see him fully.

"can't you tell me where you're taking m-"

"this is your 12th time coming in court. your case gets more annoying to deal with every time. so i'm going to personally ask you some questions. i have full authority to demand any answer through force. i suggest you listen carefully."

"so dominant~ i like that in a man...ask away baby~"

you straighten his jacket and dust off his shoulders while his hands come from behind his back. they grip onto your forearms and push you toward the marble wall near you two. you let out a surprised sound but aren't alarmed in any way. in fact, you were looking at how pretty and calloused his hands looked. rough from work and what you guessed was working out.

"what's your connection to the thief that has been stealing from the l'ouvre?" (i'm just putting in a french art museum and pretending they have something like that in fontaine)

ohhh. of course the chief justice would make connections. he's the chief justice for a reason. the only reason he hasn't been saying anything in court is because he doesn't have concrete evidence.

"what if i am connected? does that mean i get more time alone with you?"

he slams you into the marble again and this time you can clearly see his reaction. he's flustered. really flustered. his ears are bright red and his high cheek bones carry a dark red tint. he's just been pretending your flirting doesn't affect him.

"it's a yes or no question." his eyebrows furrowed as you shifted where you stood.

" memory is a bit foggy concerning what i've done...maybe your lips could jog my memory?" your eyes landed on his lips and you leaned forward a bit towards them. neuvillette doesn't move and locked his gaze with yours.

"will they now?" raising an eyebrow he challenged you. "you're a shameless flirt."

"oh i know, but you can't deny you've gotten attached to my charm since i've started coming back." there was no response to that.

"look at that! the chief justice charmed by someone who may or may not have connections to a big time thief. you'll have to do real well with that kiss to make me say anyth-mmph~"

soft lips roughly attached to yours and pressed your head against the cold wall. your limp hands flexed and tried to move against his grip, but you were no match for his strength, especially when the man of your dreams was kissing you so good. he abruptly pulled away leaving your head to lull to the side.

"are you affiliated with them? friends, siblings, how are you connected?" neuvillette moved your hands together behind your back and gripped them with one hand. the other hand went to your face to grip your chin.

"i'm not affiliated with anyone...i'm innoce~mm~"

once more his lips met with yours. the hand on your chin opened your mouth for him to slip his tongue inside with ease. "don't *kiss* lie *kiss* to me."

you moaned into his kiss and tried to move your hands again. neuvillette tightened his grip on your arms and held you in place. he pulled slightly away again to your dismay with a string of saliva connecting your mouths. "answer."

"hnng~ i...i know them..." your breathing was heavy and your knees felt weak. never had you been kissed so hard in your life. your brain felt like mush, but you continued to tease him with information.

"how do you know them?" the white haired male tilted your chin towards him. you didn't answer and instead went for his mouth. he gripped your jaw when you got a few kisses in and pulled you away and onto the wall. his own lidded eyes stared into yours and silently demanded answers again.

"close of mine..."

with a sudden movement, neuvillette let go of your hands and gripped your thighs. he hoisted you up on the wall and walked into you letting your legs wrap around him. this time instead of kissing your lips, he moved his mouth to bite your neck in multiple areas. you gasped out and put your head on his shoulder.

it all felt so good. neuvillette's tongue going over the bite marks and occasionally sucking your skin. he had stopped asking questions at this point and just started enjoying you. your lips met again and you couldn't help but wrap your arms around his neck and close your eyes.

"feel so good~" you mumble into his mouth as he now lazily but intimately kisses you. soft kisses that are drawn out and make you stupid, his tongue still in use as his hands squeeze your thighs.

eventually, he pulls away from you and clears his throat after the hot exchange. "so...who is this person?" your mind was too numb to be able to give a coherent response, so all that came out was lazy giggles.

"if you don't speak, we'll be taking this to my personal quarters until i get clear answers..."

you clamped your mouth shut. not a peep from you while you rested your head on his shoulder. grayish blue eyes looked down at you and then he spoke,

"well then, you know very well what you've gotten yourself into. don't beg me to stop later unless you have something to say about the thief."

"you know you want it as much as i do~"


Side note: so after completing the archon quest, he's actually a baby 💀 the next fic is more accurate

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