Chapter Nine - The Smile

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Josephine stood before the window, the heavy velvet drapes drawn aside so she could gaze out on the night while servants puttered about putting away her things

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Josephine stood before the window, the heavy velvet drapes drawn aside so she could gaze out on the night while servants puttered about putting away her things. It was a lovely room, a bit musty from lack of use, but still lovely.

The burgundy wallpaper was decorated with tiny white flowers. Burgundy seemed to be the preferred color in the manor, along with a dark hunter's green. And gold and silver and white. The ceilings she'd viewed on the journey to her bedchamber very nearly took her breath away. Each was a series of squares. In the wide hallway leading to the bedchambers, each square had held a carved ivory cameo. In this room, angels surrounded by various flowers or relaxing in gardens were painted on each square.

A thick burgundy velvet comforter covered the bed, and the velvet canopy had been pulled aside. With chairs, tables, and a fainting couch, this bedchamber was designed to make a female guest feel welcome.

Unfortunately the fire lit in the marble fireplace did nothing to diminish the chill surrounding Josephine's heart. Had Hero simply been toying with her all day, appeasing her by asking for stories of her youth? What maniacal game was he playing? To kiss her with such wild abandon, only to relinquish her beyond his sight once they arrived?

What had she done wrong? Why was he casting her aside?

"We're finished, Your Grace," Charity said quietly. "Would you like me to help prepare you for bed?"

Trying to hold on to her pride, she faced her maid of only a few years. The girl's eyes contained sadness. Pity, even. How mortifying that all would know that her husband didn't want her.

"Not yet," she said kindly, smiling warmly, pretending she wasn't mystified by her husband's actions.

Charity furrowed her brow more deeply. "Shall I fetch you something to eat?"

"No, thank you. I think I'm going to take a stroll."

"But it's dark."

"I'll ask Whitney to locate a lantern I can use."

"I thought I heard thunder earlier."

"I'll be fine, Charity. And like my husband, I need a bit of time alone."



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