Chapter Eighteen - The Wicked Shadow

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"Despite your protests to the contrary, I can tell that you jolly well did take my advice last night

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"Despite your protests to the contrary, I can tell that you jolly well did take my advice last night."

Standing by the coach, waiting as his wife said good-bye to Eleanor, Hero blatantly ignored his friend.

It was mid-afternoon; the rain had cleared off and the grey skies had turned blue. After all the rescuing they'd done last night, he and Felix had slept until only an hour or so ago. Hero would have gladly never left the bed because Josephine had been in it, sleeping beside him. He loved watching the way she slept.

She had a little habit of rubbing her feet together throughout the night. He wondered if that was the reason husbands and wives slept in separate beds, although he had to acknowledge that he'd welcome any evidence of her nearness, and had found her small actions comforting.

"No comment?" Felix asked.

"I'd never realised what a vexing friend you are."

"A helpful one as well. I want you to take these with you."

Hero glanced down to the wooden box Felix was extending toward him. "I don't see myself engaging in any more duels, thank you very much. They upset Josephine too much."

"Not a duel, necessarily. A means of protection. You escaped Pentonville. Your brother could as well. He's just as clever as you are."

Hero couldn't deny that. In some ways, perhaps more so.

"Did you tell her the truth of your situation?" Felix asked.

Hero grimaced, not proud of the answer he was forced to give. "No."

"I doubt it would matter to her," Felix said.

How could it not? Hero wondered.

"Eleanor likes her," Felix said.

"She likes Eleanor."

It wasn't long after that Josephine was finally ready for them to take their leave. Hero bid Felix good-bye and climbed into the coach after Josephine, sitting beside her. She gave him a shy smile. He took her hand. The coach began its journey along the road leading away from Drummond Manor. Hero held off as long as he could. Then he could hold off no longer.



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