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The night pushed on and thankfully Bailey was nowhere to be found. Matt and Alex were drunk, goofing off, being the center of attention, and I sat on the sidelines watching it happen. I must have been a little too inebriated because suddenly Zoe was at my side and I had no recollection of her showing up.

"Hi!" She hugged me, "how are things going?"

"Oh great!" I laughed, even though nothing was funny, but somehow everything was. "Alex and I are dating," I winked as nonchalantly as I could, "his ex was here, um I posted some photos on Instagram-"

"His ex was here?" She cut me off, looking around.

"Yeah what was her name? Haley? Kaley?"


"Riiight yes that," how could I forget? "Why did no one tell me?"

She looked at me suspiciously, "you really must not go on tik tok, huh? Maybe you should," she shrugged.

I definitely didn't agree because I'd made it this far, but I just nodded then scanned the rooftop. Somehow Matt and Alex ended up behind the DJ booth and everyone was going wild.

"Zoe, girl, look. We need to get out there."

She followed my gaze then laughed, shaking her head.

"Nooo I don't dance."

I almost spit out my drink.

"I'm sorry, did I hear you right?? You work with some of the hottest names in music right now and you don't dance?? Girl."

I tilted my head back, quickly downing the drink I was on, and grabbed her arm, pulling her out onto the dance floor. Everyone was jumping and dancing, vibing with the music.

"You just have to feel it," I practically yelled into her ear, "but drinking helps also" I smiled.

My hips swayed as the music controlled my movements. I closed my eyes and let my hair sway against my back. The alcohol definitely helped as my body did what it wanted to without holding back. All I could think of was Alex touching me at the bar and how I'd wished it could have turned into more.

As I continued swaying my hips and feeling the music, I felt somebody come up behind me. While I was hoping it would have been Alex, he was still up at the booth with Matt. I looked up over my shoulder to see a very muscular blonde guy matching my rhythm. He was hot and I was too drunk to care so I just let it happen. One song turned to three and after that I lost track. The guy leaned down to my ear,

"Do you want a drink?"

"Ummm yeahhh," I smiled at him through squinted eyes. He laughed at me.

"You're so cute. What's your name?"

"Winonaaa" he was so cute and the situation was so funny, I couldn't stop cheesing.

"Well alright Winonaaa, I'll be right back." And with a wink, he was gone.

I swayed some more, probably dropped it a little low without realizing, then suddenly another guy was behind me, but this time his dick wasn't against my ass. Instead, a hand was firmly held around my arm.

"We're leaving" the voice sounded familiar but sort of angry.

"But I have to staaay that guy is buying me a driiiink!" I don't know why i cared so much, i think i just wanted the free drink but my brain was a jumbled mess and i just wanted to keep dancing.

"No." The voice responded without any hesitation. Suddenly I was being dragged along, the dance floor getting smaller with ever step. I focused enough to look up and see the back of Alex's head as he pulled me along, down the stairs, and to the door.

"Waaaait... Why are you taking me away? Shouldn't you be off with Bailey somewhere? She's who you wanted to see here tonight."

By this point it was dark as we were near the parking lot and away from the building. I couldn't see very well, besides the lack of light, my vision was a little blurry from the drinking. While i couldn't see, i did feel like i had smacked into a wall when Alex stopped in his tracks but i kept moving. He spun around, looking down at me like he owned me.

"You think i came here tonight because I wanted to see Bailey?" He asked, sounding a bit on edge. It was a little sobering to hear him get a little heated.

I nodded in response and peered up at him. As soon as i heard the edge to his voice, i felt small. He stood back for a minute, ran a hand through his hair then removed his glasses to massage the bridge of his nose. After a moment, he came close to me again, his lips inches from mine. He smelled earthy, musky, almost primal. I breathed in deep, turned on by his scent alone. I wanted so badly to close the space between our lips, but he seemed upset so I tried to focus. I didn't want to make it worse.

"I wanted to see Bailey," he continued with a snarl, "as much as i wanted to see you dancing on some dickhead in that fucking dress."

My eyes grew wide at that comment. Something like that was verryyy sobering, although now I kind of wished the alcohol was more fresh in my system. I searched his eyes as he did the same to me. I blinked a few times, scanning his face for confirmation. He stood there expectantly while I was dumbfounded.

"You- you what?"

His answer was nonverbal, because in a matter of moments, his lips were on mine.

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