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We just stared at each other. I probably looked so pathetically embarrassed but I just stared at him. He was facing his door, holding the doorknob, but was turned and looking right at me. I wasn't sure what to do so I just blurted out,

"Uh heyy um... Alex?" my eyes looked around before meeting his again. I weirdly smiled and shot a finger gun at him. This caused my towel to get loose and start to fall so I haphazardly reached for it before he saw literally everything. He stared blankly for a moment then smiled,

"This is hilarious," he shook his head slightly then opened his door and began to walk in, "go change and I'll meet you in the living room," the door was closing as I heard, "help yourself to whatever's in the kitchen."

The door shut.


Naked under a towel, about to drop what I was holding, I just stood there processing everything that just happened. I quickly shook my head and sped into my room. A quiet slam of the door and I collapsed on the bed.

o... m... FG

So that was Alex. His hair was brown, just like his eyes that saw me behind a pair of glasses. His beard looked scruffy and he wore a thrifted tee and jeans. He had a beanie on that was folded.

He's kind of cu-

NO no no no no no

Can't think the new roommate is cute when I first meet him. No. Especially when he almost saw me naked. No.

Underwear on, shorts on, shirt on. It was an animal crossing one. Finally socks, followed by two quick braids in my hair and I went to the living room.

I could hear the water running from the shower. I first went into the kitchen to look for some water. Coffee mugs filled two of the cupboards. I took one and got some water from the fridge. Nosy as I was, I opened the fridge to see what was inside. Milk, beer, some fruit, eggs, other stuff. Not a lot. I was somewhat into cooking so maybe he'd be ok with that?

The water stopped running. I shut the fridge and leaned against the counter. The bathroom door opened and I caught a glimpse of him shirtless with towel around his waist. I sipped my water with raised eyebrows,


Water finished, I placed my cup by the sink and made my way to the couch as he came from his room.

"So," his back was to me as he got a cup from the cupboard. His voice was deep and calm as he spoke. He began to fill his cup with water just as I had, "Winona, right?" With his cup full, he turned to me and leaned on the counter.

With his eyes on me, I felt my cheeks get hot. His shirt was tight enough that I could see his muscles beneath, and he was only wearing boxer briefs, no pants. I forced my gaze to stay set on his eyes. No matter how nervous I was getting, or how insanely attractive he was in his pajamas, I had to be chill. I was going to live with this guy.

"Yup, that's me. Or Winnie for short." I shrugged and half smiled. He smiled back,

"So like Winnie the Pooh?" He brought his cup to his lips.

I sighed and slumped my shoulders, "yes, like Winnie the Pooh"

He laughed slightly, "Winona like Ryder, Winnie like the Pooh. I bet you get that a lot?" I nodded. He tipped his head back and finished the water. After placing his cup by the sink, he made his way to the couch and sat a few feet away from me. He smiled,

"Sorry about that, I won't do it again."

I just stared. He was hot af.

"So I'm Alex. Or I guess Alexander? I don't really care. This is my place," he looked around the room, "my work schedule is a bit all over the place so I'm not really sure when we'll catch each other but you're welcome to use whatever you want. Fill up the fridge, use the computer," he gestured to my shirt, "play the Switch if you want. I'm cool with whatever."

I smiled sheepishly and tucked a loose curl behind my ear, "I actually brought my Switch,"

His face lit up, "you're kidding! You'll have to add me!"

I was so nervous with him so close. He smelled so good and was so good looking, not to mention he was literally in his underwear.

As he glanced around the room I took a quick breath in then asked, "do you cook much?"

His gaze snapped back to me, a curious expression on his face. His face relaxed after he processed my question, "no I don't unfortunately. I'd love to but it just doesn't happen." He paused but continued, waving his hands like he was erasing what he had said, "oh but you're totally welcome to! I have lots of pots and pans and shit, you'll just have to find them wherever they are... But please, be my guest. I'll eat any leftovers."

I smiled. He was so cool. He smiled back and my gaze dropped to the floor. It was quiet for a moment. He looked around awkwardly then back at me,

"I know you said you weren't sure about a job yet. Do you have any ideas?"

"Oh right," I felt sheepish again, "I have four months of rent saved up. I just graduated recently but I actually want to pursue art so I'm gonna start working towards that. I'll definitely get some part time work while I do that though," I gave him a thumbs up. "You'll get paid, I promise."

"Ohh... oh shit no, sorry, I wasn't trying to make you feel awkward!" His face looked apologetic. "You're totally good, just making conversation." He leaned back into the couch more, "what do you want to do?" He looked at me, waiting and seeming to be very interested.

I relaxed too since I noticed that he did. "I don't know really, but I'm super determined" I shared with a smile. "Art has always been a passion of mine, but finding a way to transfer that into a decent job is tough. Maybe I'll look into graphic design or something." I trailed off and shrugged. Looking up at him, he was smiling at me.

"That's dope. You'd be awesome at it." My cheeks warmed, "what is your degree in?"

My smile dropped. I groaned, "finance." He winced. "But, my minor is in art. So I've got that going for me I guess," I smiled, letting out a light hearted laugh.

"Well Winnie, that's not the only thing you've got going for you." He smirked and winked at me.

My eyes widened and he grinned wide then laughed. "You are hilarious!" He stood up and began heading down the hall, "I'm off to bed."

What?? That was so quick? I didn't even get to ask him about himself??

My eyes darted around the room, then I remembered to flowers.

Oh my gosh I'm awful.

He was rounding the corner to head down the hall so I quickly peeped, "oh thank you for the flowers, Alex!"

He chuckled and held up a hand over his head. "No problem girl. I'll see you in the morning."

And then he was gone to his room. So I headed to mine and got into bed.

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