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The party was at some tall, blonde guy's house. Alex introduced him as Matt. I heard Matt yell over the music to Alex,

"Wait so she really doesn't know who you are??"

Alex just grinned at him. Matt leaned over to me and shouted,

"Babe, have you ever used Tik Tok?"

Alex shoved Matt's arm. Matt rubbed it, pretending to be hurt but he started laughing,

"Drinks are on me, my guy!"

Rolling his eyes, Alex pulled me away and to the bar.

"Sorry, he's so full of himself it's hilarious. But he's like, my best friend so," he shrugged.

I got close to his ear so he could hear me, "I think it's cute! Guys being best friends and shit," he smiled and shook his head, laughing to himself.

"What do you want to drink?"

"Umm stella I guess,"

Alex shouted at the bartender but I couldn't hear it, then two stellas appeared in front of us. We clinked the necks together and both took a swig. I was looking out at the crowd, noticing all the girls in bikinis and underwear and guys all dancing up on them. Props to those girls but I would definitely feel awkward with random guys grabbing my ass all night. I saw Matt holding onto some girl while they talked to some other people. So many people in the room and I really didn't know anyone. I barely knew Alex but he's barely been home since I moved in.

Looking among the crowd and seeing the fiery emotions between everyone, I realized how badly I wanted to know Alex. He made me so nervous since I met him. He was nothing I had expected him to be and he'd been surprising me since I moved in. He was so attractive on so many levels and so mysterious... and elusive. I wanted to know him. I needed to know him. I turned to him and my eyes met his. He turned me on so much. I needed to know him.

"Shots," I shouted at him. He looked confused. I pointed at the bar and shouted again, "let's do shots!"

He closed his eyes and face palmed. I immediately looked shocked. He looked at me between his fingers then pulled his hand away and smiled.

"Ok now why do you want to do shots?" He leaned on the bar.

I started hyping myself up, giving him a mischievous look,

"Because why not? We're here aren't we?"

He rolled his eyes with a laugh and turned to the bartender.

"Let's get.." he looked at me, searching my eyes again, then back to the bartender, "two rounds of Montenegro please and thanks." He slid a twenty on the bar, I guess as a tip. The bartender placed the glasses on the bar and filled them.

"You ready?" Alex asked, nervously. I smirked,

"Of course."

"Ok we'll do them both, one after the other. Deal?" He started to pick one up.

"Yup..." I hesitated before shouting at him, "three two one GO"

I downed both of mine then shuddered immediately. Yiiiikes. But after a moment, I was fine.

Alex grabbed my elbow and pulled me to him. His lips lightly grazed my ear and his beard tickled my cheek. He spoke in a soft, deep voice,

"Will you come with me outside?"

He pulled away and looked down at me, waiting for the response. I nodded. With his right hand he grabbed our beers. He grabbed my hand with his left and led me through and around the large mass of people in the house. I stumbled behind him. We arrived in front of some sliding glass doors. He opened the door, gestured for me to go first, then followed me, shutting the door behind him. There were a few couples outside, just talking and smoking, but most everybody was inside. My head was spinning and everything was a little wavy. I wasn't too far gone but I was definitely ready to kiss him. He walked me over to a side of the patio where there was a bench hidden by some bushes. I guess if Matt was his best friend then he'd know about this bench before the others did.

He put the beers on the bench beside him and pulled out a blunt and a lighter. He lit it up and took a hit before passing it to me. I happily took some because cross faded me was much less annoying than drunk me. We passed it in silence a few times before he put it out and handed me my beer. I took a few swigs and felt nice and wavy.

"Alex," I spoke, breaking the heavy silence between us. I felt his eyes on me. I breathed deep then turned to him, "who the hell are you?"

He hesitated, blinked, and smiled. He laughed. After a moment he answered,

"Ok so honestly I'm Alex," I stared blankly. He laughed again, "ok so I'm Alex but also I rap I guess."

"Ahhhh," I nodded and looked ahead, "that explains the girls..."

He kept laughing quietly,

"Yeah that explains them. I make music and Matt and I make music together sometimes and it blows up on Tik Tok. It's pretty cool actually."

I nodded. I never really went on tik tok. Sometimes I'd see videos reposted onto Instagram but that was it.

"...But I mean.. other than that I'm just alex. I like runescape,"

I gave him a playful look. He just looked back at me with some kind of intent. Again, he searched my eyes, but I let him this time. And I searched his. I felt like I'd known him but we literally just met. Maybe it was the weed...

"I want to dance," I blurted out. That was the alcohol. He smiled,

"We can go inside-"

I jumped up, pretended like I didn't get light headed, grabbed my beer in my left hand and his hand in my right, and headed to the door.

"Before we go in," I slurred, "you gotta promise me"

"Ok. ...promise what?"

"Don't ditch me for some underwear girl because I don't have any friends here ok"

He laughed and shook his head,

"I promise I won't ditch you. I invited you to come with me remember?"

I smiled up at him and spun around and pulled him in with me. He shut the door. The bass was so deep and the music was slow but sexy. I felt it run through me, causing my hips to sway and my head to move back and forth. I led Alex to the bar, put my beer down, the pulled him towards the dance floor. I was too gone to notice what was going on but I saw him laugh and shake his head while following behind me.

I pulled him to the middle of the floor and let the vibes take over. My ass gravitated to his belt almost immediately and his hands took it as an invitation to meet my hips. I wasn't against it. We swayed with the music and I felt him against me, growing more excited the more we moved.

With blurred vision, I turned towards him, placing my right hand behind his neck and resting my left hand on his chest to steady myself. He smelled warm and dark like some fancy cologne with a hint of beer underneath. He was smiling down at me. I barely knew what was going on but sent him a cheesy grin back. His head hung back a bit and he laughed then he brought his lips to my ear,

"I didn't realize I was gonna be getting such a cute roommate.."

He pulled back with an innocent expression on his face, as if he was pretending he never said anything. I jokingly gasped at him but went right back to my cheesy smile and so did he. After a moment, his smile relaxed but his eyes didn't falter. It actually felt like he was looking deep inside of me, trying to find something. I felt vulnerable and too open so I did the only other thing I could think of; distract him.

I brought my lips close to his neck and kissed him. I kept kissing his neck and felt warm as his arms tightened around me and held me close towards him. I kissed up to his ear, lightly nibbling on his ear lobe. His enticing scent made the clouds in my brain that I was floating on. I wanted him so bad and I wanted him to know it. I put my lips next to his ear and whispered "let's go home."

I started kissing along his bearded jawline. I brought my left hand slowly down his chest and brought it to the waist of his pants, hoping he would get the hint. My lips were on a journey to meet his and I was super focused until I felt his hand grab my chin. My eyes flew open and his face was right in front of mine. He winked and with an enticing smirk on his face he said,

"Let's go home."

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