The first grain of the Sonoran Desert

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*Notes in the last chapter*

[- To be read with Pastel Blue Sky by Beach Scvm in the background :) -]

"And do we have the right to know why the pleasure of our company isn't being requested ?" inquiries Alex in his best imitation of an offended English lord.

"Because Dad can't come back with five people in the old truck. And because, although of course, we could make you run behind us, Nora and I want to enjoy a nice quiet night in town without your unbearable display of happiness," smirks June as she expertly throws a box of Advil to Nora, with an insistent look at the Prince of England's arms wrapped around Alex's shoulders.

The late afternoon sun streams in razor-sharp beams through the Lake house's bay window. Since 8 a.m., the Lake House kitchen hasn't caught a break. The goal is a simple night out on the way to retrieve the Claremont-Diaz's antique truck from an old friend, but Nora and June have plans to turn it into a full-blown "Hangover" project.

Usually, Alex would have been willing to run behind every truck in the state to be a part of this. But the old pickup's spring seats have etched themselves in his childhood memories in a way he'd rather forget. So, although he has experienced his fair share of long journeys to come back with a broken back since meeting Henry, this one isn't worth it.

He raises his hand to his forehead and in a dramatic voice, sights, "Abandoned in a beautiful house with nothing but sun, birds and orange juice ! What am I to become ?"

June turns back to him and with an equally pinched accent, poorly hiding her chuckle, declares, "My poor brother may find some meaningless hobby to entertain his night, for I couldn't care less !"

Nora does her best not to burst out laughing when Henry's face crumbles in disbelief as Alex proceeds to demonstrate the worst curtsy known to man. He kisses June's hand and concludes, "I'm sure the house Butler will help me find something," with an air of complicity towards Henry.

Joyous bickerings fill the kitchen, and the said Butler, embracing his role with utmost seriousness, conscientiously brushes the shoulders of his hosts three times per minute for the rest of the day. When the sun finally sets on the low hills, he and Alex watch the family car disappear into the gold and red horizon, not to return until tomorrow morning.

"So..." murmurs Henry, "any 'hobby' ideas, my Lord ?"

"Well..." says the young Texan with a suggestive voice, "how about you go make us some fresh mojitos while I admire you from the pool, dear Butler ?" and must restrain his laughter before Henry's disheartened face.

A couple of minutes later, the night is rising from the horizon, and two glasses of mojitos catch the sun's last beams, making the light dance between the ice cubes and the fresh mint leaves.

The atmosphere has only given up its brightness to take on a new Mantle of wet and dark warmth lurking around the tall trees and the empty house. The evening is only filled with the song of twilight birds and the quiet sparkling noise of the two glasses, abandoned for a while already on the edge of the pool.

Somewhere, even deeper in the silence, two trembling breaths mingle, surrounded by the lapping of water and the rustling of two skins that graze against each other.

"My angel..." breathes Alex as Henry nibbles gently on his neck.

The two boys have taken one of the sunbeds and partially submerged it, where the pool forms a gentle slope to get out.

Alex's hands are laid on Henry's waist, who is straddling his thighs. The water lifts his shorts to the rhythm of the prince's light movements. A scent of pine and sunscreen floats around them when Alex passes his hands through Henry's hair.

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