Author's notes :

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Update : I'm currently writing a prequel about Henry's past in boarding school. Look at the very end if that interests you :))

Hi ! This is my first work and english isn't my first language so apologies and bit of context :

- This fic takes place during chap. 9 at the Lake house. It's an alternative night leading to Alex's confession in the lake.

- I tried to stay as close as possible to the character's personality but I wanted to show another facet of them while still making somewhat sense with where they were chronologically at this time in the story.

- Keep in mind that I read it originally in French so my re-translation of the vocabulary may be a bit off sometimes (especially the pet names). Don't hesitate to correct me !

That's all enjoy :))

Notes for the 2nd chapter :

The end of this fic catches again to where the characters are at the end of chap. 9. In short, it's a mix of new ideas regarding Alex's feelings and reflections and a rewrite of the overall sequence of actions from the original scene.

(Also idk why i fixated *that* much on the geese. I just love this animal and to me they're a symbol of communication, fidelity and mutual aid, so there's that)

Thank you so much for reading this far ! I can't wrap my head around the thought that other eyes than mine might have seen this story.

The sequel :

It's titled "The Queen's Birds Can't Fly" (novel-length). If you enjoyed this one and want more, here's the summary :

"Henry fled America yesterday. He made the right decision. He knows the broken heart he left behind is better off scarred forever than trapped in the cold stones he grew up in.
He thinks about the summer he learned that lesson. A summer filled with tears, cypress scent and grief. A summer sweet, filled with first times, and music, and food.

The summer, he learned how to lose people."

-Henry is seventeen, with one year to decide if he will follow the path of royalty or step up to his family to pursue his own dreams. But trapped in his golden cage, he doesn't even know if he had the time to create any.

As he finds himself overwhelmed with questions about the future of his country, mental health and addiction, his path crosses the one of Nasir—an irreverent student with a taste for uncomfortable truths.
The two boys stumble together, trying to fly free from their family heritage. But the cage is maybe vaster than Henry thought, and high in the sky, a bird of prey is watching.-

I hope you like it ! I must warn you that it will take some time to be released, but don't hesitate to follow and put pressure on me !

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