Chapter- 22

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Double update! Make sure to read previous chapter.


~Next morning~

Jin: "Y/n? Y/n, wake up, Jagiya!" Jin lightly tapped on your shoulder to wake you up, but your groaning disturbed your peaceful sleep.

Jin: "Get up, jagiya. We need to go back home. Then I have to go to work as well." Jin whispered to you softly, removing all the hair from your face.

Y/n: "Hmm, but please let me just sleep for 10 minutes more." You mumbled with your closed eyes. He chuckled, nodding his head.

Jin: "Okay, sleep peacefully, Jigya." He covered you and Yoonsoo with a blanket. And then he kissed your head before taking his phone with him and heading out in a hurry.

~Time skip~

You forced open your eyes when you felt someone snugging into you. You found it, Yoonsoo, and noticed Jin's side empty, but then your eyes got widening seeing the time. It was 10:45 a.m.

Y/n: "Oh God, why didn't he wake me up?" Sitting up from the bed quickly, you made a quick bun of your untied hair and were about to get up but stopped seeing your sister-in-law's peeking in.

Misoo: "Y/n, you are awake." She asked with a soft smile and came inside.

Y/n: "Oh yeah, Jin didn't wake me up. He is late because of me. I should have set the alarm." You said you regretted not setting the alarm.

Misoo: "Y/N, don't worry; he already left for his office. You can continue sleeping if you want to." She informed you, making you look at him and frown.

Y/n: "What? He already? And that too left without me? You didn't wake me." You asked in confusion. She nodded her head, giving you a small smile.

Misoo: "Yeah, he was getting late for his office, so he left. He told us not to disturb you and let you sleep, and he told you to inform me that he would pick you up in the evening."

Y/N: "Oh, but did he leave without having breakfast?" You asked out in concern, as you don't like him going with an empty stomach.

Misoo: "He was just going to go without having breakfast, saying that he was getting late, but his mother forcefully sent him after having breakfast."

She informed you, and you released a relief sigh, and they fell back on the bed, feeling happy that he didn't go on an empty stomach.

Misoo: "You want to sleep more?" She asked, seeing you close your eyes as you just responded by humming and nodding your head.

Misoo: "Okay, then, sleep. She must not have let you sleep peacefully. So you can sleep as much as you want, no one is going to disturb you." She said that and caressed your hair.

Y/n: "Thank you, you, unnie!" You mumbled, smiling with your closed eyes in the comfort of her hands. As you hugged your sleeping niece and went back to sleep for more.

~At night~

~Y/n's pov~

We are heading back after having dinner at my parents house. I wanted to stay there more, but for the sake of Jin, I didn't say anything to him, even though he asked about it.

It's our initial days, and we are getting to know each other, so I want to be with him and enjoy his company. I looked at him and saw him fully focused on the driving.

Y/n: "Why do you look so serious? Did something happen in the office? Or are you still upset because of last night?" I inquired after observing his unusually calm behaviour.

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