Chapter 1

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"Ugh, we have Potions." groaned Ron. Harry sat at the breakfast table on Friday morning with Ron and Neville. He was still getting used to being allowed to eat so he didn't eat a lot. No one seemed to notice so he wasn't worried. Ron's has been groaning and complaining about Potions since they got out of bed and Harry didn't understand why. Ron said that the teacher was a git but how would he know this, he never met the man? And from what Harry heard Potions was like cooking and Harry liked cooking so it shouldn't be so hard. Right?

"Well I'm really looking forward to it." said Granger. Ron rolled his eyes "And who asked you?" Harry glared "No need to be rude Ron. Besides i agree with Granger. I'm looking forward to Potions." Hermione gave him a small smile while Ron huffed "Why? Snape's a git." "Have you ever actually met him?" "W-Wha-The older boys told me!" exclaimed Ron like it would save his argument. Harry rolled his eyes sitting up "And? Maybe he has a reason to be the way he is with them. Don't judge a book by it's cover Ron. You'll miss all the great stories." with that Harry left the great hall without breakfast.

"Potter!" Harry stopped outside the Hall and Hermione caught up with him. "Hey Granger. You can call me Harry if you want." "Hermione then." "Sure. What'd you need?" she handed him a napkin wrapped around a sandwich. His eyes widened slightly as he took it "I see you already don't eat much. You should at least eat a sandwich and a fruit every meal." he smiled and nodded. No one ever cared about his eating habits before. "Potter!" Harry sighed as Malfoy approached them "Stealing form the Great Hall?" he sneered. "It's food. No one stole anything. We're allowed to eat it." said Hermione. "Got a girlfriend do ya?" Harry frowned "Listen Malfoy i don't know what your problem with me is but i would like you to stop. I never did anything to you." Draco glared "You're friend laughed at my name." "So? I didn't laugh did i? Besides why would i laugh? Draco is the name of a star. I bet you Ron didn't even know that. Not very smart if you haven't noticed." with that he thanked Hermione for the food and walked away.

For the rest of the day Harry saw Draco and Hermione talking together. By the second last period he successfully avoided Ron. They entered Potions and he took a seat in front. Surprisingly Hermione sat to his right with Draco to his left. He didn't say anything and just offered them small smiles before taking out his book. Once everyone was seated Harry saw Ron glaring at him from the back of the class but ignored it in turn for watching the door bang open and a man with silky black hair, hooked nose, pale skin enter the class. The curtains closed as he approached the front of the class. Turning he faced Eveyrone.

"There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However, for those select few.." he scanned the classroom. Harry started taking notes as he got interested. "Who possess, the predisposition... I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death." Hermione nudged Harry. He looked up to see the Professor looking at him. Now Harry has had a skill since he was small. He could see straight through Eveyrone. From their facial expressions, to their body language and even their eyes. It got him out of most beatings and it helped him expect what was to come. Looking at his Professor Harry saw anger out front, but deeper he saw sadness and grief. And right at the back he saw relief and some worry.

 "Mister Potter. Our new celebrity." Harry frowned at the mans tone. "Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Harry might not have known much about the wizarding world and only ever opened his books once he got to school because his Uncle locked them up, but one thing Harry knew and loved besides cooking, was gardening. Harry loved gardening. He loved flowers and could tell you anything you wanted to know about them. He saw that the Professor sought out something in him so he thought about the question before his eyes widened slightly.

(asphodel is a type of lily meaning "my regrets follow you to the grave" and wormwood means "absence" and also typically symbolizes bitter sorrow. If you combined that, Snape's words mean "I bitterly regret Lily's death")

Quickly calming himself he offered the man a smile "Purple hyacinth sir?" he heard the class snicker but kept his smile. The older mans eyes flashed with surprise, relief and happiness but he glared "Wrong Mister Potter. Asphodel and Wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of the Living Death." Harry mouthed and 'o' and nodded before writing it down.

(Purple hyacinth means forgiveness)

 "Weasley!" Ron jumped slightly "Where  would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" "What's that?" blurted out Ron. Draco sighed and shook his head. Snape glared "Don't know? Lets try again, what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" Hermione's hand shot up but Snape ignored her. Ron glared at the man "I don't know. But obviously Granger does. Ask her." there were collective gasps around the class and Hermione lowered her hand to stare at Ron wide eyed. Harry looked at him as if he were crazy and Draco wasn't far behind. 

The silence snapped when Snape said "For your information Mister Weasley,  a Bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. As for Monkshood and Wolfbane, they are the same plant which also goes by the name of Aconite. Well? Why aren't you all writing this down?!" he snapped and the class got to writing. "Weasley! Detention tonight with Filch. And ten points from Gryffindor for your cheek. Maybe next time open your textbook." Ron growled and opened his mouth to argue when Seamus Finnigan hit his arm. 

The class went on without any more problems. They covered the ingredients and basics of potions making and prepared for brewing the Boil Cure potion the next period. When the bell rang most of the children ran out for the class to start their weekend. Harry packed up slowly and made to tell Draco he wanted to stay when Hermione interrupted him " We know. We'll explain why you're late, ok?" Harry smiled "Ok. Thanks." "No problem. See ya Harry." said Draco patting his back. Hermione waved and the two left Harry in the class. The door closed behind him and he turned to find Professor Snape watching him form behind his desk. 

Harry quickly ran to the man's desk before spurting out question " You knew my mum? What was she like? How'd you meet? Did she like Potions? Was she smart? What was her favourite colour? Did she like flowers? Was she a picky eater? Was she nice? What's her favourite subject? Were you in the same house? Wait what if course your weren't. Were you best friends?" he caught himself and looked at the teacher to see that man looking mildly amused and blushed "I'm rambling sorry sir." "It's quite alright Mister Potter. I have to say though I'm surprised you understood my question." "Wasn't hard. I like flowers. Asphodel is a type of lily meaning "my regrets follow you to the grave" and wormwood means "absence" and also typically symbolizes bitter sorrow. If you combined that, your words mean "I bitterly regret Lily's death"." 

"That was..well done Potter." said Snape mildly breathless. Harry grinned at the praise. "Thank you Professor." "I'll tell you what. Come to me tomorrow afternoon at three and I'll answer all your questions." "Really?" "Really. Now hurry along. Madam Hooch will have my head if you're late." "Yes sir. Thank you sir. Bye sir." Snape inclined his head and Harry shot off.

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