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Fluff this story is mainly fluff. And that is what our main character looks like. Before you get confused, our main character's name is Yukio. He is not exactly the most masculine boy around and isn't the strongest but he is kind. All in all, this is a story about a guy trying to raise a child.




The bakery was bathed in a warm orange glow from the setting sun as Yukio closed up shop after a long day at work. Despite the exhaustion, he loved being a baker and creating pastries that had never been seen before in this new world. While other kids dreamed of becoming ninjas, Yukio had always wanted to be a baker. Fighting was never his passion, even when he found himself in a new body that was weaker than his previous one. Initially scared of being transported to a fictional world, he found comfort that he could finally pursue his childhood dream. And the fact that he was blessed with good looks certainly helped - his silky dark hair, sapphire blue eyes, long lashes, strawberry-coloured lips, and soft skin made him quite the pretty boy.

Yukio closed the bakery for the night and went to get some ingredients for the following day. As he strolled through the lively evening market, he hummed a tune and felt the refreshing breeze softly tousle his hair. He paused occasionally to greet familiar faces who frequented his serene bakery. Sometimes, Yukio felt like people only greeted him because of his good looks. If he had a ryo for every time someone offered him their daughter, he'd be wealthy. However, this stopped when they discovered that Yukio was attracted to men. Even now, he receives proposals from parents offering him their sons. He may seem paranoid, but years of living in the modern world tends to have that effect. There are fake people everywhere, hiding behind well-crafted facades.

Yukio swiftly navigated through the market, efficiently gathering the groceries he needed. Not wanting to stay a moment longer, Yukio walked away quickly. His pace slowed down gradually once he saw his quaint little bungalow. Yukio's humming resumed but abruptly stopped upon hearing sniffles coming from an alleyway. Intrigued, he silently observed the area before deciding to investigate.

Yukio attempted to speak, but ultimately decided it was a futile effort. As he looked around, his gaze fell upon a bruised young child who bore a striking resemblance to the protagonist of this world. His eyes widened in surprise. He Is Naruto!

All of a sudden, Yukio was flooded with worry. Why was he in an alley? Did he get lost? These thoughts only made him more anxious. Instead of asking himself questions that he didn't know the answers to, he decided to ask the boy. So, he opened his mouth.

"Hey," Yukio said softly not wanting to scare away the fragile boy. Watching the boy sit up right away and looked at him, fear was in his beautiful blue eyes only a couple of shades lighter than his own. This was expected by Yukio, but it still hurt him nonetheless. A child should not have that look in his eyes. This reminded Yukio that this was the reality of the Narutoverse. He wanted to make the boy feel safe and secure, so Yukio smiled reassuringly, hoping it would ease the fear in the boy's eyes.

A plethora of emotions stirred up in Yukio. How dare that stupid Hokage let Naruto's situation escalate to the point where no one would even stop to help the kid?!

"What's your name?" Yukio asked despite already knowing his name. He frowned as he noticed Naruto only scooting further away from him before looking back down on the ground. This didn't settle well with Yukio so he decided it was probably best to introduce himself first.

"My name is Yukio." He introduced, slightly smiling at how the boy looked up at him before his gaze fluttered back down to the ground. He was finally getting through to him even though it was just quick eye contact. Yukio took a seat right next to him not minding the dirty ground, "I heard sniffling in this alley so I decided to come to check it out. But, it seems I should keep you company here today." He added softly.

Naruto peeked up at the man finding it strange that he was talking to him nicely. Because most people just yell, hit, or call him names. Naruto hesitantly smiled, feeling a bit of warmth in his chest. He had never felt this way before, he was sure of it. He felt a little bit safe for the first time in a long time. He feared that Yukio would despise him if he revealed his name, so he refrained from doing so. Perhaps the kind man would become his friend if he didn't tell Yukio his name. He had never had a friend before, so he hoped that they were now friends.

Suddenly, Naruto's stomach growled making him blush in embarrassment. "Would you like some food?" Yukio asked. Just as Naruto was about to say no, Yukio had already started pulling some food out of his tote bag. Naruto's face lit up in anticipation. He hadn't realized just how hungry he was until then. He eagerly accepted the food from Yukio and thanked him before digging in.

Noticing that the sky was taking a darker hue, Naruto was made aware that he would have to return to the orphanage. He wouldn't want to be locked out for the night after all, it had happened before.

Yukio watched as the boy got up, and pat the dust off of himself. He smiled at Yukio and thanked him for his help. Yukio smiled back and waved goodbye as the boy walked away.

Yukio got up and dusted himself before casting one last look at the spot where the blonde boy had been. How interesting, I hope I will be seeing more of him. Happy with what happened today, he decided to go home. And maybe he would see Naruto again if he came back here. With that thought in mind, Yukio put on a light smile and began to make his way back home, hopeful that he would get the opportunity to see the mysterious blond boy again.




A/N: This story is also posted on Quotev. Please don't be a silent reader feel free to comment!😭

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