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One of my face claims for Yukio! You like?

Not my art btw

A tall, dark figure emerged into the Hokage's office. "So, how did it go?" The Hokage inquired, "and take off the mask. We're alone."

The figure let out a sigh, took off their mask, stepped into the light, and revealed their softly tousled frosty hair and another mask. It was Kakashi.
"It was successful as always. Yukio invited Naruto to stay the night as he was locked out of the orphanage."

Though it was a success, one could still hear the slight disappointment that tinged his words. In all honesty, the man would have preferred taking care of Naruto by himself but for some odd reason, he couldn't.

"Again? Something has to be done about this problem." Hiruzen replied, but of course, the Hokage being no spring chicken, caught on to the dissatisfaction in Kakashi's voice. "I may be overthinking it. But I can't help but feel that you want something..."

Kakashi shifted uncomfortably, his mismatched eyes avoiding the Hokage's gaze. "Well, it's just that...I feel like I could offer Naruto a better life than what he has now," he admitted hesitantly.

Hiruzen nodded, understanding the underlying sentiment behind Kakashi's words. "You care deeply about Naruto, Kakashi. But there are protocols in place, rules that must be followed. We have to consider not only Naruto's well-being but also the stability of the village." He fell silent but then continued, "How about you summon Yukio and Naruto here sometime tomorrow... and I'll find a way to get you closer to Naruto..."



aking up to giggling was something unexpected. But on some occasions, this does happen when Kurenai "accidentally" gets into the "special" batch of brownies. But the thing is Kurenai was out on a mission.

Yukio opened one of his sea-blue eyes and sluggishly looked around until they landed on a certain blonde-haired child sitting on his chest. "Well, good morning to you too, Naruto."

Naruto flashed one of his signature toothy grins, better than any caffeine boost Yukio could get. Rubbing his eyes to clear his eyesight Yukio asked, "Why were you laughing?"

Naruto giggled as he explained, "Hey, you ended up at the bottom of the bed!" before snuggling up to Yukio once again. Not expecting this action, Yukio couldn't help but coo at this adorable sight.
"Naruto... I think it's time to get up."

"Aww but why... Eh? I'M ON BREAK!" Naruto groaned loudly, annoyed at the prospect of getting up.

"I have to open up shop," Yukio replied already stretching.



fter freshening up, Yukio decided to make breakfast while Naruto was in the shower. When Naruto stepped into the kitchen, he was surprised to see a plate of round, fluffy cakes with butter and syrup already spread on top. "What are these?" Naruto asked, his eyes wide with curiosity.

Yukio paused for a moment, realizing that pancakes didn't exist in this world. He smiled as he took credit for creating the pancakes while mentally apologizing to the true creator whoever that may be. "These are pancakes, a specialty of mine," Yukio explained, a twinkle in his eye. "You're going to love them!"

Naruto took a skeptical bite before his eyes twinkled in amazement. "They're sooo good!"

Yukio felt a sense of pride as Naruto reacted positively to his pancakes. "Well, I'm a baker," he responded.

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