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The next morning, Yukio woke up to the sound of laughter and chatter coming from the kitchen. He stretched and yawned, feeling refreshed from a good night's sleep. As he made his way to the kitchen, he found Naruto sitting at the table, eating breakfast with Anko, Kurenai, Asuma, and Genma.

"Morning, Yukio!" Naruto exclaimed, his face lighting up at the sight of blue eyed man.

Yukio grinned at the glowing boy. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did!" Naruto chirped, "and we made breakfast!"

"More like I made breakfast you fucks just sat there licking the batter." Anko sneered.

Asuma gasped dramatically quickly covering Naruto's ears. "Language! We have a child in our midst!"

Yukio smacked Anko causing her to drop her fork, "Just what were you thinking?"

Naruto blinked innocently, "I've heard worse." He peeled Asuma's fingers off of his ears, "plus, you guys do know that I can hear everything right."

"Yeah, he can." Kurenai blindly agreed as she gulped down Anko's unattended food with Genma eating off Asuma's plate.

"Get your own! Gluttonous bitch." Anko snapped at the red eyed girl.

Kurenai continued to inhale the food, "I- think. You're- just projecting. Because Yukio hit you." She said with her mouth still stuffed.

"Hey hey. Pass that shit who raised you?" Genma yanked the syrup bottle off Kurenai's lips.

"My parents are dead." Kurenai flatly said.

"Well that got dark quickly." Yukio coughed.

"Indeed it did." Genma stared.

"You left your scraps unattended!" Kurenai yelled.

"I thought you were sad!" Asuma cried, "you manipulated me!"

"Sucks to suck." She quipped, "man I'm full."

"About time!" Yukio sniffed, "I always have to go shopping whenever you come over."

"There there," Naruto patted Yukio's arm, playing along.

"You all have overstayed your welcome!" Yukio stated as he pushed them out the door despite the protests, "LEAVE!"

He sighed slumping on the door. "I have today and tomorrow off. Would you like to do something today Naru?"

Would you like to do something today? That question played around in his little head. Naruto just realized something, he never been asked that before. In fact, he hadn't even worried about his next meal when he was with Yukio. He hadn't worried about anything when he was with him; not even the steadily approaching school day.

These thoughts struck a chord in him. "Um... Can you... please get me some... school supplies?" Naruto asked hesitantly, choking up a bit.

Yukio's heart melted at the request. He could see the genuine need in Naruto's eyes and it broke his heart to think that the boy had been neglected for so long. "Of course, Naruto. We can go shopping for school supplies together."

Sasuke had seen many things in his lifetime. An overjoyed Naruto, was a rare occurrence.

Naruto skipped into school decked out in all new school supplies and a notably shiny orange backpack. Walking over to his seat, he threw his usual nasty look at the funny looking black haired kid who he sat next to this week.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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