18 1 0

Warning! This chapter contains brief sexual innuendos. Oh! And for now, I'd like to keep Genma and Yukio as friends with benefits. In other words, friends that occasionally fuck😊.

They kinda do it for the sake of doing it ya know😏.

I am so sorry that you had to read that😭

"Yu-kun~ Are you listening?" Genma asked, waving his hands in front of Yukio's face. Yukio blinked, realizing he had been miles away in his thoughts. He shook his head, a sheepish smile on his face. "Sorry, I was just thinking about something."

"Are you alright? You've been spacing out the entire day?" Genma asked slightly concerned about his favorite and only baker.

Yukio nodded, his lips pursed. "I'm alright, I just have a lot on my mind."

Yukio panicked when he noticed Genma's brown orbs glinting in amusement. When he asked with a sly smile, "Are you crushing on someone?" Yukio's mind froze for a second and then heated up as he stammered out a reply. Genma leaned closer and flashed Yukio a quick teasing smile finding it amusing at how he tried to stammer out a reply. Genma's teasing seemed to work as Yukio felt his face flush with embarrassment and he quickly tried to change the subject. He looked away, not wanting to meet Genma's gaze anymore.

Genma's teasing continued as he said in a low voice, "You know, there was that one night when..." and he winked at Yukio. Yukio's face turned even redder as he remembered the night they had spent together. He tried to stammer out a reply but Genma just laughed and said, "It's alright, I'm just teasing you. I know you're more than capable of taking care of yourself." Even though Genma's words were meant to be lighthearted, Yukio could tell he was still serious. He felt his heart flutter at the thought of Genma being protective of him in his past life he was all alone so this new change was different but reassuring. Genma smiled at Yukio and said, "Let's go, we still have a lot to do." Yukio returned the smile and nodded, feeling grateful for Genma's presence.

Note to self: Under no circumstances never let Genma near my bakery's kitchen ever again. Everything had been all fun and games until Genma accidentally started a small kitchen fire when he tried to heat the oven for the chocolate croissants that had to be put out by a small-scale water jutsu. What's worse, Genma had no idea how he had started the fire and was convinced that it was caused by some kind of vengeful pastry spirit.

And to add to that it started raining. But, Yukio was determined to find Naruto and give him the best picnic he had ever seen. He wanted to surprise Naruto and make his day special. He searched all around the nearby park, but there was no sign of him. Finally, he decided to look in the one place he hadn't yet: the pond. With a glimmer of hope, he made his way there, and sure enough, there was Naruto, soaking wet with a frown on his face. Naruto was skeptical at first, but Yukio's gentle demeanor over the past few days had put him at ease. Yukio found a dry spot and quickly set up a picnic umbrella over them, inviting Naruto to join him. Naruto hesitantly accepted, and Yukio smiled, hoping he could make the day special.

The conversation had been light and airy at first until Yukio asked Naruto about the academy he had started going to not long ago. Then Naruto started to tear up as he recounted his rough day at the academy. Yukio smiled gently and offered him a slice of strawberry cake and a small cup of hot tea. He then recounted his funny day at the bakery, in an attempt to make Naruto feel better. This worked as it made Naruto laugh despite his tears. He told him about his friend Genma and how he had accidentally started a small kitchen fire while trying to heat the oven for the chocolate croissants. He then told him about the rain and how he had searched around the nearby park for him and finally found him in the pond. Yukio smiled gently at Naruto and surprisingly Naruto lunged towards Yukio with a tight hug. Yukio stiffened not expecting one from him but he relaxed and comforted Naruto telling him that everything would be alright.

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